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Diet plan

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My 3 year old son has been breaking out into very itchy bumps for the last one week. These bumps come and go without leaving any mark. I have seen them on his face, arms, legs and stomach. There has been no change in his diet and he is otherwise well. What could this be? I am very worried.

I understand your concern since your son must be in considerable discomfort. However what he has is known as Acute Urticaria, also called hives. This is a skin reaction pattern caused due to histamine release in the skin and can be caused due to a number of underlying reasons. In children amongst the commonest are intestinal worms and recent infection (e.g viral fever, cough & cold). In most cases acute urticaria is self-limiting with in 2-6 weeks. I would recommend deworming your son with Syru ...

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I m 28 F, height 5 ft, wt:52 kgs now, I was 55 kgs earlier, I diet , exercise but unable to reduct weight anymore. could you please suggest alternate options like supplments or liposuction .... ?

Liposuction Surgery is also a best option for removes fat cells permanently and slims and reshapes specific areas of the body, removing excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportions and ultimately your self- image. If you are opting for liposuction surgery at our Pune centre in Aesthetics Medispa,India we have expert Liposuction surgeons and refined our technique of Liposuction to include Power Assisted Liposuction and VASER and are able to liposculpture your body to a bette ...

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Kill-Kilo (an extract from a konjac root in Japan) is being heavily promoted by a Dr Shinto of Natural Choice, Ville Amphrey, St Martins GY4 6DT. Part of the claim is that it has been used by geishas to keep slim. A typical claim is that someone lost over 3 stone with no effort, no diet and only in 4 weeks(!) Also "lose up to 1 stone in 1 week". Is this a SCAM or is it genuine? If the latter, are there any side effects or interference with any medications?

Hi, Kill kilo diet pills are basically fat burners with unknown composition/ingredient and have been advertised quite a lot. There has not been any drug trials to test these kind of pills or its interaction with other drugs. These are not approved by FDA and more on this can only be trusted if told by people who have tried it. The way to go about weight loss is to talk to a nutritionist and following the plan as told. Also, physical exercises are important. Feel free to ask more questions. ...

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had thyroid in childhood......while dieting consultant put me on two tablets for weight loss,,,,,Ebexid and Carnisure 500......after the diet plan i have stopped taking both the periods have been delayed for 16 days now....can these two tablets be the reason for the same???

Hi, The first thing we want to rule out is whether or not you are pregnant,although there are many causes to missing periods but since you have history of thyroid and you have ruled that you can't be pregnant so i would recomend you to get a throid test. When was the last time when you got your throid test and if you got them recently then please attach the reports. There can be many more hormonal causes to it,and periods can be corrected by giving hormonal drugs which will cause withdrawl ble ...

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i am seeking a fine dietician who can help me reduce my weight.I was a good 67 kgs with 171cm 3 years ago aftr my delivery last year i gained weight like crazy and now i am not able to shed food cravings are high,eating habits have gone all bogus and now i am a good 95kg and i feel awful when i look at myself , i am losing my self confidence too.i have pain in my knee joints and i hear cracking sounds on my knee when i climb stairs and i know it is because of my weight issue :( i need a proper diet and exercise plan which you help me with a consistent reduction of weight and toning myself.please do help me to get over this nasty issue :(

Sample Diet Plan 5: 30 am (Preworkout meal): 1 fruit (any) (60-70 gms) (you can consume 1 banana also ) 5:45- 7:00 am (workout): Any form of workout that suits you for atleast 50 mins. 9:00- 9:30 am (Breakfast) 1 glass skimmed milk (200 ml)/ 1 cup low fat curd or yoghurt (150 gms) + Oats (15 grams, 2-3 tsp) or muesli (15 grams, 2-3 tsp) or any homemade non deep fried snack [eg:1 quarter plate poha/1 quarter plate upma/2 idli/2 small or 1 medium size dosa/2 appam/ 2 dhokla/dalia/multigrain bre ...

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I have cortical cyst inthe right kidney.measuring 16*11mm. Pls suggest if it is dangerous and how it can be treated naturally by Diet plan.

There is absolutely nothing to worry about it right now. You should get a repeat ultrasound done after six months to see the size of the cyst. No diet plan is required. ...

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Dear Doctor, I got VDRL negative and TPHA positive in Test. Doctor prescribed to take penicillin for 4 weeks with 2.4 milloin units. First week i have taken only 12 million units and next 3 week i have taken 2.4 million units. Am i cured now? still i have rashes on my body. Can i plan for baby? whether the infection will go to my wife an baby? Please help

Hi, I could not find it properly and i believe that you still you should avoid baby for 1 year and you should get your self tested during this period and and look if the titres are falling or not and then you might plan a baby after that. You might also take a second advice from a specialist for confirmation about it. ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1094 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Vrinda Goyal

  • Nutritionist
  •  Jaipur, India
  •  300 Doc Points

Dr. GowriMeena S

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  875 Doc Points

Dr. Ravindranath Reddy

  • Bariatric Surgeon
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  201 Doc Points

Dr. Jameel Akhter

  • Surgeon
  •  Chennai, India
  •  108 Doc Points

Dr. Samir Nayyar

  • Dentist
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  119 Doc Points

Dr. Gireesh Kumar B.A.M.S

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  108 Doc Points

Dr. Niraj Mahajan

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  148 Doc Points



Hplus Super Speciality Clinic Delhi

Multi Speciality
E 13,1st Floor, Ring Road, , Above Fortis cancer Institute
   New Delhi, India

Dr. Sheshadri.s Homoeopathic Clinic IPR

C-14, Princess Park market, near DPS Indirapuram, Ahinsa Khand-II, Indirapuram , near DPS Indirapuram
   Ghaziabad, India

Dr. Sheshadri.s Homoeopathic Clinic RNE

H-1008, Ajnara Integrity, Raj Nagar Extension
   Ghaziabad, India

Roopam Eye Care Ayurveda Eye Hospital Research Centre Pune

Manogat Apartment, Opp. Nirmalbaug Sabhagraha, Near Muktangan English School, Shivdarshan, Parvati Pune , Near Shivadarshan , Rajiv Gandhi E - Learning School Parvati Pune
   Pune, India