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Dry skin

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A few years back after having visited a hill station in India.. i got this sort of coating on my upper lip that couldn't be scraped off easily, a lot of my friends did too.. but even now my problem persists, this was followed by dryness around my lip and white patches that were spreading and cuts started forming. on consulting several dermatologists, they prescribed Fluticasone Propionate ointments of varying concentration saying that its caused by the fact that I was born by extremely dry skin and the saliva dries the area more, but I've been using petroleum jelly on my lips since I was small as I always used to get chapped lips.. I similar sort of dry patch developed on my finger which went on to spread over the years to my entire finger, for which i use the the same medication.. the itching on the finger and the dryness goes away after a couple of days of use but then it comes back when not used and the texture of my finger has turned out to be slightly glossy looking compared to the rest of my fingers..

Hi, As you said that you don't have leucoderma,and it is just simply dried lips then primary cause for dried lips is allergy. Try out following methods 1) Use oil based prepartion,use petroleum gel 2) Cover your lips with something when going out 3) Avoid licking your lips 4) Drink a lot of water 5) Try and breathe through your nose 6) Avoid allergens,if you know about them(dust,skin care cosmetics)common allergens 7) You may try ayurvedic treatment also,i have seen some people benefit out of ...

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Everytime I get into my car with AC on after some distance of journey I get severe dry lips. I suspect someone has planted some kind of radioactive material somewhere tucked away in my car to kill me slowly. Why do I get dry mouth lips in my car throughout the year? Has it anything to do with the medicines I am taking. I take Chlonazepam daily for sleep..(Revotril)

Hi, Yes it could be due to the medicine you are taking(revotril). It can bring about changes such as dry mouth and throat. However you may have plenty of water and can use some moisturizer if the drug is helping you. But if you are not satisfied with the drug because it can bring many side effects like dizziness,light headedness,and irritability also and many more side effects , you may consult your doctor to change the drug.(but drugs like such are always going to have some side effects so thi ...

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i 7 years back in school tried an anal-gay with my classmate nothing worked out. but, then i had rashes near the navel & genitals it was itchy. it was not red & no boils it caused dry skin. are the incident & the rashes related?? do i have hiv?? i asked my friend he said "no" he never had these symptoms. now i have a small white spot on my penis. i never took any treatment but the rashes went off. but the white spot just appeared what should i do?? is it fatal?? i wanna be a commercial pilot wat should i do??

Hi, White patch can be vitiligo and rashes can be due to simple bacterial infection it can't be said what is it without examining you. If you want you can attach your photo then i will be able to tell you better. You can get tested for hiv if you want to remove any thought about it. Hiv has no definative pattern with which it starts but it seems to be a self resolving infection. But white patch should not be left with out examination. ...

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I use melas cream and melas lotion fr 2 dys my skin red and very hard also dry

Hi Faisal, You are having an irritant dermatitis to the Melas cream. You need to stop using it and see a dermatologist for prescription steroid creams. Till you can do so make sure you stay out of direct sunlight and apply a bland moisturizer like cetaphil cream every 3-4 hours. Avoid any soap on the face and only use a soap free face wash like cetaphil cleansing lotion for washing the face. All the best & regards. ...

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i am severe acen problem and what ever I am usng it is not going and the black marks left post acne are also too high .... I have a combination skin of dry n oily I need t oremove my marks as it is actually giving me a bad look and these scars are too deep please help

scars and pits dueto pimples and chicken pox will not improve well with creams ,better option isto go for procedures like lasers ,microneedling ,punch elevation,punch grafting depending on the nature of the scar.consult a dermatologist ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Bharti Patel

  • Dermatologist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  309 Doc Points

Dr. Gladson Uchil

  • ENT
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  242 Doc Points

Dr. Kiran Lohia

  • Dermatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  565 Doc Points

Dr. Ravindranath Reddy

  • Bariatric Surgeon
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  201 Doc Points

Dr. Thajudheen CP

  • Dermatologist
  •  Coimbatore, India
  •  120 Doc Points

Dr. abdul samad

  • Dermatologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  216 Doc Points

Dr. Rajendra Prasath A

  • Dermatologist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  212 Doc Points

Dr. Dharmendra kumar

  • Dermatologist
  •  Bokaro Steel City, India
  •  103 Doc Points

Roopam Eye Care Ayurveda Eye Hospital Research Centre Pune

   Pune, India