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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The way you have described me about the disease ,seems you have leucoderma (but it can have multiple causes like vitiligo,may be fungal infection,and some more)
For proper diagnosis you will need to get it examined,may be a biopsy also needs to be done.
The disease is very difficult to treat if it is leucoderma. The usual cause of the disease(leucoderma) are burns,ulcers,accidental cuts due to which the melanocytes are damaged and they stop producing melanin cells and at times they spread very fast and at time they spread slow. There are times they may even shrink with time.
The available options for treatment are
1) Exposure to UV rays
2) Cosmetic grafting
3) Steroid creams
But for all this you will have to make a proper diagnosis which can be only made after a proper examination and some investigation by a dermatologist.
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Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
The thing is that I dont have depigmentation of the skin so it cant be leucoderma.. the skin just looks slightly lighter in shade if I dont apply the medicine for a few weeks followed by cuts which makes it difficult to open my mouth cause it stretches the wound.. Its completely normal if I keep applying the steroid which I know is not good. And for the patch on my finger.. it gets horizontal cuts followed by itching if medicines like Elacon aren't applied regularly.. no depigmentation as such on my finger
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
As you said that you don't have leucoderma,and it is just simply dried lips then primary cause for dried lips is allergy.
Try out following methods
1) Use oil based prepartion,use petroleum gel
2) Cover your lips with something when going out
3) Avoid licking your lips
4) Drink a lot of water
5) Try and breathe through your nose
6) Avoid allergens,if you know about them(dust,skin care cosmetics)common allergens
7) You may try ayurvedic treatment also,i have seen some people benefit out of it
because there is nothing much in allopathic that can help you,if it because of allergy.
Try applying simple lotion on your hand and notice the effects,if it works you might feel relieved.
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