Everytime I get into my car wi
  Everytime I get into my car wi

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Everytime I get into my car with AC on after some distance of journey I get severe dry lips. I suspect someone has planted some kind of radioactive material somewhere tucked away in my car to kill me slowly. Why do I get dry mouth lips in my car throughout the year? Has it anything to do with the medicines I am taking. I take Chlonazepam daily for sleep..(Revotril)

PAST HISTORY : Diabetic since 8 years, Taking Metformin+ Sitagliptin 500+50 twice a day. Taking Telmasartan 40 a day for BP. HBA1c is around 7. Sugar well controlled. Everytime I get into my Car with AC on I get dry lips. Only in my car. I suspect someone has planted radiation in my car to slowly kill me.

1 Answers


Yes it could be due to the medicine you are taking(revotril). It can bring about changes such as dry mouth and throat. However you may have plenty of water and can use some moisturizer if the drug is helping you. But if you are not satisfied with the drug because it can bring many side effects like dizziness,light headedness,and irritability also and many more side effects , you may consult your doctor to change the drug.(but drugs like such are always going to have some side effects so think if you are really irritated with the side effects)

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A few years back after having visited a hill station in India.. i got this sort of coating on my upper lip that couldn't be scraped off easily, a lot of my friends did too.. but even now my problem persists, this was followed by dryness around my lip and white patches that were spreading and cuts started forming. on consulting several dermatologists, they prescribed Fluticasone Propionate ointments of varying concentration saying that its caused by the fact that I was born by extremely dry skin and the saliva dries the area more, but I've been using petroleum jelly on my lips since I was small as I always used to get chapped lips.. I similar sort of dry patch developed on my finger which went on to spread over the years to my entire finger, for which i use the the same medication.. the itching on the finger and the dryness goes away after a couple of days of use but then it comes back when not used and the texture of my finger has turned out to be slightly glossy looking compared to the rest of my fingers..

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, As you said that you don't have leucoderma,and it is just simply dried lips then primary cause for dried lips is allergy. Try out following methods 1) Use oil based prepartion,use petroleum gel 2) Cover your lips with something when going out 3) Avoid licking your lips 4) Drink a lot of water 5) Try and breathe through your nose 6) Avoid allergens,if you know about them(dust,skin care cosmetics)common allergens 7) You may try ayurvedic treatment also,i have seen some people benefit out of ...
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i dont get sleep well and if i sleep i got up quick so plz tell me some ayurvedic medicine so dat i can sleep well and will not get up early

  Doctor's Answer

U have insomnia. Give me more details so that we can find cause of insomnia. U Need ayurvedic sleep medicine suppliments and yoga meditation techniques for ur problem. Even three r some non medicine remedies for this. I have very good ayurvedic medicines for ur problem. No side effects. for more information call or what's app me on this number : nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero. thank u. ...
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I have had a metalic taste in my mouth for a few weeks. Medical conditions: I am going through menopause, so am taking HRT. The odd taste came approximately the same time I increased my Estrace dose from 0.5mg q hs to 0.75. I also take prometrium as well as 50mcg of Synthroid, which I take in the morning. Last night, the metalic taste, which now seems like a copper taste, was so intense I felt like I had electicity in my mouth. I have very good dental hygeine and was recently in for a check up so I have ruled out anything dental. thanks, Paige

  Doctor's Answer

Certain medication are known to alter taste perception, Change the pH of saliva. If you any restoration done recently or previously make sure that they are of the same material. If different metallic restorations are present they known to induce galvanic current with saliva being the electrolyte. ...
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I wonder if you could give direction I dont know whether to go to the doctor or the dentist? I broke a crown about 3mths ago, whicht he dentist sorted out for me but about a mth later I developed a cold and my crown became so sensitive I couldnt close my mouth it felt like it had a pulse and the bone was rejecting the post. after googling I realised it could very well be a sinus infection and got a 10 day course of anitbiotics which helped immensley, but the gum where it connects to the cheek pulses and if I run my finger over the spot I feel as though I am getting an electric shock. It was fine if i didnt touch it but over the last few days the pain has come back and a lump is developing and spreading. the pain is in my cheek bone and around my eye socket, I had a root canal on this tooth over 10 years ago with no problems and the tooth has no odour or any leakage around it

  Doctor's Answer

Hello, Your problem seems to be primarily dental. I wolud recommend you to visit the dental proffesional an make an x ray.. From wat history you hav provided it seems the nerve has been damaged and there is infection, pus, developed below the tooth.. hence the wierd senstion... sinus infection may or may not be related to the tooth.. sp kindly visit the dr and take his opinion. If your tooth is fine, post opinion from dr, u may need to visit an ENT... ...
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A few years back after having visited a hill station in India.. i got this sort of coating on my upper lip that couldn't be scraped off easily, a lot of my friends did too.. but even now my problem persists, this was followed by dryness around my lip and white patches that were spreading and cuts started forming. on consulting several dermatologists, they prescribed Fluticasone Propionate ointments of varying concentration saying that its caused by the fact that I was born by extremely dry skin and the saliva dries the area more, but I've been using petroleum jelly on my lips since I was small as I always used to get chapped lips.. I similar sort of dry patch developed on my finger which went on to spread over the years to my entire finger, for which i use the the same medication.. the itching on the finger and the dryness goes away after a couple of days of use but then it comes back when not used and the texture of my finger has turned out to be slightly glossy looking compared to the rest of my fingers..
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