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PAST HISTORY : Menopause, HRT, hypothyroid, Fe therapy for very low, Iron stores.
Doctor answered : 11 years ago
Metallic taste can be felt during HRT.
You can start salt-soda rinses (Home remedy)
Also Zinc supplements will work better. (Tablet-Zincovit) etc.
Try adding seasonings to your food like oregano etc.
Do visit any dentist or doctor and get it checked ( different tests are there for regional and spatial taste testing)
Dr. Govindaraj S J answered : 11 years ago
Certain medication are known to alter taste perception, Change the pH of saliva. If you any restoration done recently or previously make sure that they are of the same material. If different metallic restorations are present they known to induce galvanic current with saliva being the electrolyte.