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PAST HISTORY : Anal fissure around a yr ago. Had problem of constipation for some time.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Due to the difficulty in passing stool, it is likely that you have not fully emptied the rectum of stool, thus leaving you with feelings of dissatisfaction and discomfort. Obviously, the primary way to address the problem is to try treatment options for relieving the underlying constipation. Increasing fiber, whether through diet or the use of bulk laxatives, is a good way to start.
Another good self-care strategy is to ensure that you have good bowel habits. Try to schedule a trip to the toilet the same time each day. For many people, biorhythms are such that urges for bowel emptying are strongest in the morning. Allow your body the time to empty as much stool as is possible, envisioning that rectum as you evaluate the "completeness" of the movement.
Feel free to ask more questions.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Sir, I am no more suffering from consipation as i dont have hard stoll like before. I only feel uneasiness due to incomplete evacuation. I have been having fiber diet and drinking enough water but still nothing is helping me. I am not sure what might be the reason as nothing is helping me positively. I go to washroom almost at the same time every morning but everyday I face the same problem. Thanks!!
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Since you have had a fissure, chances of recurrence are high. Constipation is just one of the causes of fissure. There can be other causes, for example, there can be a tear in anal canal, or there may be a foreign body present in body, or it can happen during normal labor.
Usually the fissure has bright red blood and not dark coloured blood. Since you have dark, it indicates that blood is coming from above in alimentary tract, which might be due to inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome(for both, the disease cause needs to be investigated). You should reduce your stress level, have a proper sleep, try yoga, may be even a colonoscopy might be required depending on how long you have the disease. Few months is a pretty long period, as all the non invasive test, serologic markers, blood tests are non specific for the disease.
The best available treatments for fissure are
1) sitz bath
2) laxative
3) drinking good quantity of water
4) daily work out
5) avoiding both constipation and diarrhea
6) try and reduce wheat levels and see if you improve
7) minimize spicy and salty food
8) herbal tea can help at times
Fissure is very common, but if you have tried all remedies, then you should get your self investigated.