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PAST HISTORY : had my gall bladder removed
Dr. Vrinda Goyal answered : 12 years ago
Dear patient,
Since you started out at a normal weight (67 kgs is appropriate for 171 cm) and then gained weight it should not take you more than a couple of months to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight if you watch what you eat and exercise. Also it is always advisable to get off those extra kilos to avoid other complications.
Every new mom is desperate to get back to her old self but it is very important to be patient and to not stress over it. Stress can interfere with your fat metabolism anyway so best is to strive to be fit and a to have smooth, consistent and permanent weight loss. Motherhood is a huge responsibility and to successfully carry it out you need super fitness levels. You will feel fit when you get good rest, when you eat right food and also of your liking and when you exercise. Diet modification coupled with exercise is the best way to have a safe weight loss. Do not ever ever starve yourself to lose weight, you will only end up gaining extra kilos.
Please provide me with details of your food habits (veg./non veg.), food likes, dislike and food allergies if any. What type of food do you usually crave for. Also give me a one day diet recall of yours (what time you get up, what time you workout, what time you go to sleep, when do you consume your meals, what you eat and how much, also mention the time and duration of your workout) and i will suggest you a diet plan accordingly. Also mention if you are on any medications.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Hello Doctor, Thank you so much for the fast reply. let me give you a brief idea about my day to day activities. I get up by 6(planning to start yoga from this 27th onwards which would commence at 5.45 am).Morning breakfast i eat 2 idlis/2 dosas/2 appams with chutney/sambar/veg curry.Then i crave for food soon after 11( guess its coz i lack my gall bladder)and then as i am at office i either get hold of biscuits or a sandwich( which is very rare).Have my lunch ( 3 chappathis and veg curry mostly) then evening i come back home real tired and i grab a maggi noodles sometimes or the leftover breakfast or bread to much on.Sometimes i snack post 10 which i know i should but since 2 weeks i do not do that.I drink like 3-4 bottles of water daily and i have a real bad influence of tea on me i can take glasses of it mostly like 2 cups until noon drink a green tea and 2 cups until night.I am a non veg eater but the good thing about that is i consume only during weekends but i hate the fry part of non veg so mostly curries both fish and chicken and nothing else.i used to walk back home almost 2 - 2.5 km daily which i had to stop due to knee pain."I LOVE FOOD" so there is no likes not dislikes and no allergies at all but i avoid squid/mussels as it gave me issues during the gall bladder problem time.i sometimes buy and keep the ready to cook frozen in fridge.i have very less cravings to chocolate(only like hersheys) or icecream.i snack too much in between but i do not know what to consume as fillers if i do not have an option of having salad at office.I was an athelete in school and college time so my thighs normally was muscular but now as all women i have immense fat deposits on my deltoid muscles of arms,thighs,butt and the post pregnancy tummy which swings down( looks horrible) my jean size before 3 years was 30-32 which is gone up to 36 - 38 now.Its true these thoughts are stressfull but the whole thing in my head that my weight aint dipping down makes me feel obnoxious.My parents are both doctors and they are too concerned about my health as they feel i would go into a diabetic mode soon( which sure is scary).I know you would be laffing inside, but these are the real facts as they say you shouldnt lie to your lawyer and doctor.I have said everything absolutely true to my knowledge.Kindly do give me path to pursue and get rid of this horrid fat on me. Thanks Priya
Dr. Vrinda Goyal answered : 12 years ago
Dear patient,
Based on the recall that you have given, I have planned a sample diet plan for you. Since timings are not very clearly mentioned, you can change the time accordingly but gap between two meals should not be more than 2-2 ½ hrs. Most important thing is to have small frequent meals. Specified amount of meal should be consumed every two hours. In 4-5 days you will get accustomed to this routine. You’ll get hunger signals every two hours and will feel satiated with a small-moderate portion of food.
You should avoid anything rich in sugar or fats as they only give you calories without nutrition. Avoid having anything that is processed, ready to cook/eat , frozen , bakery products, lots of biscuits, maggi, papads, pickles, food with preservatives. Avoid deep fried/fat rich food more specifically due to the removal of gall bladder.
You can choose skimmed milk (carton milk)/double toned milk or heat whichever milk you are using, keep it for 8-10 hours (overnight or otherwise) and then skim off the layer . Any dairy product you are consuming should be low fat. Limit intake of cream, mayonnaise, ghee. All type of dals you can consume. All type of vegetables you can consume (potatoes are not counted as a vegetable here).All type of fruits you can consume. Prefer whole fruits, avoid fruit juices whether homemade or packed. Dry fruits can be consumed in the amount specified below. If you want to have rice sometimes, 1 chappati can be replaced with one bowl of rice.
Consume 3-4 litres of water, which you already are. 4-5 cups of green tea is no harm.
Do not fall into counting calories, instead eat right kind of food and avoid bad.
Steamed/boiled/roasted non veg can be consumed sometimes, avoid fried non veg.
Atleast 7-8 hours of sleep is recommended for a proper fat metabolism
Also the diet plan needs to be reviewed by a nutritionist atleast once a month.
Dr. Vrinda Goyal answered : 12 years ago
Sample Diet Plan
5: 30 am (Preworkout meal): 1 fruit (any) (60-70 gms) (you can consume 1 banana also )
5:45- 7:00 am (workout): Any form of workout that suits you for atleast 50 mins.
9:00- 9:30 am (Breakfast)
1 glass skimmed milk (200 ml)/ 1 cup low fat curd or yoghurt (150 gms)
Oats (15 grams, 2-3 tsp) or muesli (15 grams, 2-3 tsp) or any homemade non deep fried snack [eg:1 quarter plate poha/1 quarter plate upma/2 idli/2 small or 1 medium size dosa/2 appam/ 2 dhokla/dalia/multigrain bread with 1-2 eggwhites/ pasta (made of durum whole wheat only)]. You can easily consume sambhar + chutney.
4 almonds + 2 walnuts + 1 fig (if you like it) [soaked or unsoaked anyway]
X no cornflakes/chocos X no deep fried X no ready to eat, preserved, processed food X fruit juice X butter X
11:00-11:30 am (Midmorning): veg raita ( low fat curd + veg.) or fruit smoothie ( low fat curd + fruit) (1 bowl). Can be easily carried to office.
1:30-2:00 pm (Lunch)
Chappati (2-3)
+ veg. (less oil)
+ Buttermilk (1 glass)
4:00-4:30 pm (Evening snack 1): 1 fruit (60-70 gm) (can be easily carried)
6:00-6:30 pm (Evening snack 2): roasted chana + kurmura (puffed rice) or 1 bowl of sprouts or home made popcorn without buttwe
8:00-8:30 pm (Dinner)
Chappati (1 ½ -2)
+ veg. (less oil)
+ Dal, without tadka/cream/butter, prefer chhilka dal, soyabean, sprouts (1 bowl)
(if you feel hungry here, you can add a bowl of salad without dressing)
Post dinner options: (if you feel hungry): fruit/ milk/ milk+oats/ salads/ homemade popcorn without butter/ kurmura + tomato/onion etc.