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My 3 year old son has been breaking out into very itchy bumps for the last one week. These bumps come and go without leaving any mark. I have seen them on his face, arms, legs and stomach. There has been no change in his diet and he is otherwise well. What could this be? I am very worried.

I understand your concern since your son must be in considerable discomfort. However what he has is known as Acute Urticaria, also called hives. This is a skin reaction pattern caused due to histamine release in the skin and can be caused due to a number of underlying reasons. In children amongst the commonest are intestinal worms and recent infection (e.g viral fever, cough & cold). In most cases acute urticaria is self-limiting with in 2-6 weeks. I would recommend deworming your son with Syru ...

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I m 28 F, height 5 ft, wt:52 kgs now, I was 55 kgs earlier, I diet , exercise but unable to reduct weight anymore. could you please suggest alternate options like supplments or liposuction .... ?

Liposuction Surgery is also a best option for removes fat cells permanently and slims and reshapes specific areas of the body, removing excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportions and ultimately your self- image. If you are opting for liposuction surgery at our Pune centre in Aesthetics Medispa,India we have expert Liposuction surgeons and refined our technique of Liposuction to include Power Assisted Liposuction and VASER and are able to liposculpture your body to a bette ...

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Kill-Kilo (an extract from a konjac root in Japan) is being heavily promoted by a Dr Shinto of Natural Choice, Ville Amphrey, St Martins GY4 6DT. Part of the claim is that it has been used by geishas to keep slim. A typical claim is that someone lost over 3 stone with no effort, no diet and only in 4 weeks(!) Also "lose up to 1 stone in 1 week". Is this a SCAM or is it genuine? If the latter, are there any side effects or interference with any medications?

Hi, Kill kilo diet pills are basically fat burners with unknown composition/ingredient and have been advertised quite a lot. There has not been any drug trials to test these kind of pills or its interaction with other drugs. These are not approved by FDA and more on this can only be trusted if told by people who have tried it. The way to go about weight loss is to talk to a nutritionist and following the plan as told. Also, physical exercises are important. Feel free to ask more questions. ...

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my grandfather is having sugar level 158 is it safe? earlier it was 307 then after two days it drop down to 232 and now it is 158? what should be an ideal diet.he is a three times a day coffee addict.he has been found cataract in his left going through phaco technique to resolve cataract is it safe.please guide me sir. -regards mayank

A diabetic patient has to keep a strict control over blood sugar before and after cataract surgery If his fasting blood sugar is below 140 and post prandial is below 200 ( on medications ) He can undergo phacoemulisfication cataract surgery ...

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My son is 2 yrs old and having severe problem of constipation. It looks like there are bruises in his anus due to hard stool. His diet includes one bottle of milk early in the morning, then Indian bread soaked with milk, then cooked pulses water , then rice with butter in the afternoon, again bottle of milk in the afternoon post lunch(nap time), roasted grams or sprouts along with egg or rawa. Indain bread soaked in milk at dinner and bottle of milk at bed time. Its been observed that he doesn't chew properly and pulses and grams are seen in his stool. He cries a lot while passing stool and now he is scared to pass the stool. pls suggest..

Hi, Which milk do you give him because he is having plenty of milk and many times a child is not able to digest milk specially cow milk causes a lot of constipation,main thing will still remain to change his diet if he is not suffering from any medical illness. Is he having fever once in a while or maybe he is loosing weight. Diet. To soften the stools and make them easier to pass, increase the amount of fluid and fiber your child gets each day. High-fiber foods include fruits and fruit juices ...

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had thyroid in childhood......while dieting consultant put me on two tablets for weight loss,,,,,Ebexid and Carnisure 500......after the diet plan i have stopped taking both the periods have been delayed for 16 days now....can these two tablets be the reason for the same???

Hi, The first thing we want to rule out is whether or not you are pregnant,although there are many causes to missing periods but since you have history of thyroid and you have ruled that you can't be pregnant so i would recomend you to get a throid test. When was the last time when you got your throid test and if you got them recently then please attach the reports. There can be many more hormonal causes to it,and periods can be corrected by giving hormonal drugs which will cause withdrawl ble ...

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Name – Biman Das Age – 28 years Indian origin, stays in Bangalore, India. 9th July 2012 - hemoglobin electrophoresis suggestive of Homozygous Hemoglobin E disease Complaint – Weakness since 1year. Hi…. Below are the complete tests I have done two days back….. Blood Urea Nitrogen – 11.00 mg/dl Serum Creatinine – 1 mg/dl Serum Glucose – 94 mg/dl SERUM LIVER FUNCTION TEST Billirubin Total – 1.30 mg/dl Billirubin – direct – 0.30 mg/dl SGOT/AST (P5P, IFCC) – 63.00 IU/ml SGPT/ALT (P5P, IFCC) – 142.00 IU/ml ALP – 74 IU/ml Total protein – 7.80 g/dl Serum Albumin – 4.90 g/dl Serum Globulin – 2.90 g/dl ALB/GLOB Ratio – 1.69 g/dl SERUM TSH (ECLIA) – 6.240 IU/mL COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT WBC – 9300.00 / RBC – 6.15 million/ Hemoglobin – 11.90 g/dl Haemotocrit (PCV) – 37.00 % MCV – 61.00 fL MCH – 19.40 Pg MCHC – 31.30 g/dl Platelet count – 135000.00 / DIFFERENTIAL COUNT Neutrophils – 52 % Lymphocytes – 43 % Monocytes – 3.00 % Eosinophils – 2.00 % ESR – 4.00 /1st hour. PERIPHERAL SMEAR EXAMINATION RBC’s – Show moderate anisopoikilocytosis, are microcytic hypochromic with few eliptocytes, target cells. WBC’s – Leucocytes are normal in total count and distribution Plateletes – Plateletes are reduced. Macroplateletes noted. Impression – Microcytic hypochromic blood picture with thrombocytopenia. (Kindly correlate with serum iron,TIBC, ferritin and Hb variant analysis [To rule out hemoglobinopathy]) OTHER TESTS – Routine Urine analysis – All values are normal ECG – Normal study X-Ray of chest – PA View – Normal Study MY HABBITS – Non veg 3 days a week Beer – 3 days a week( 700ml per day) drinking since 10 years. Smoking – 12 cigarettes per day (Smoking since 10 years). More Anxiety and less physical activities. Last one year I am inside my house, just for half an hour I go outside in the morning. MY HISTORY AND TESTS DONE EARLIER – History of acidity, constipation and digestion. 9th July 2012 - Haemoglobin electrophoresis suggestive of Homozygous Haemoglobin E disease. 16th October 2012 - Ultrasound of liver – Fatty Liver 18th October 2012 – Liver function test – All values are normal 18th October 2012 – Pulmonary test – Normal spirometery 18th October 2012 – Complete Haemoglobin – Haemoglobin 12.5 gm/dl, WBC – normal in number and morphology, RBC – Anicocytosis with microcytic hypochromic erythrocytes, mild polychromasia, elliptocytes and taget cells, platelets- adequate Please let me know is it very serious and also let me know some medicines and diet... Regards Biman Das

Hi, I am not sure,your doctor must have examined you so he can might be telling better,but i belive you should have complet liver tests including pt aptt and coagulation profile and billirubin levels and also repeat the tests you already have. Although yellow eyes can also be due to mddy sclera,some people have muddy sclera. Your tsh is also raised so he might be telling you for some test or may be you could be directly be put on medicines for this. Time taken is different for diffirent person ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1094 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Vrinda Goyal

  • Nutritionist
  •  Jaipur, India
  •  300 Doc Points

Dr. Parikshit Mahimkar

  • Homeopathist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  203 Doc Points


  • Rheumatologist
  •  Ludhiana, India
  •  888 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Sanmati Thole

  • Pediatrician
  •  Aurangabad, India
  •  131 Doc Points

Dr. Ashish Davalbhakta

  • Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon
  •  Pune, India
  •  141 Doc Points

Dr. Aman Malik

  • Opthalmologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  419 Doc Points

Vardham Healthcare

General Physician
Vardham Healthcare, 151-152, D-15, Sector 3, Rohini, Delhi-110085 , Near Ayodhya Chowk
   New Delhi, India

NineO2 Detox and Wellness Zone

144 Lattice Bridge Road, Tiruvanmyur Chennai 600041 , Opposite to IMCOPS Hospital
   Chennai, India

Q Slim Fitness Studio

Diet & Nutrition
407, 4th floor, Royal Plaza , Near Citimall
   Mumbai Western Suburb, India

Endocrine care



Dr Rana homeopathic clinic

opposite radha swami satsang ghar, Tibba road, Ludhiana , radha swami satsang ghar
   Ludhiana, India

James Heart Care

Internal Medicine
ATS Complex, Garacharma , Canara Bank, SBI ATM, Eyecon, Be U.
   Port Blair, India




General Practice
1st Floor , Opp Mahindra Showroom
   Port Blair, India

Dr. Sunny Gupta

Obesity & Weight Management
32, Rajhans Olympia, Bhatar Road,
   Surat, India