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PAST HISTORY : I am a slim boy with 174 cm height and 58 Kg weight. I want to take the best body building suppliment and I need guidance for that. One of my friend suggested me for "Buster Pump" formulated & Distributed by BURN SPORTS NUTRITION ( a local suppliment or whatever I don't know but I have taken 2 cans of approx 100 gms each of this suppliment. But this website that they have mentioned in the can is not found. Now I'm worried that what have I taken and now its giving me a lot of side effects. While taking this suplliment my capacity of food intake has increased incredibly but now I have got a lot of small-small granules (something like zits but not in face) all over my shoulders, back and many of them are now growing down my chest starting from my shoulders. A lot of granules in my back are irritating me now and I want to get rid of this side effect that I have opted only due to my fault that I have unknowingly taken any of the suppliment. The ingredients of this suppliment are as follows: ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS:- 1) L-Leucine 6112 mg 2) L-Isoleucine 3548 mg 3) L-Valine 3417 mg 4) L-Lysine 5122 mg 5) L-Threonine 4187 mg 6) L-Methonine 1223 mg 7) L-Phenylalanine 1925 mg 8) L-Tryptophan 894 mg NON-ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS:- 1) L-Arinine 6112 mg 2) L-Aspartic Acid 3548 mg 3) L-Cystine 3417 mg 4) L-Alanine 5122 mg 5) L-Glutamic Acid 9973 mg 6) L-Glycine 4187 mg 7) L-Histidine 1223 mg 8) L-Proline 1925 mg 9) L-Serine 894 mg 10) L-Tyrosine 1754 mg And in this suplliment can, it's also written that it contains 2 gm Creatine and 2 gm L-Glutamine. However these two cans have increased my weight from 52-53 Kg to 58 Kg but along with this they have also given me this side effect of a lot of granules. Today on 4th June, I have bought a new 1 Kg suppliment whose details are in this link: and I will start taking this suppliment from tomorrow. Actually no-one is there to guide me thats why all this is happening. Now I want you to please guide me that which suppliment I should take. Actually I want myself to look healthy bcz I have a slim look. I want that type of suppliment that really gives me the best output. Don't care about the price of the suppliment, just suggest me that suppliment which would give me the best output and the effect of that suppliment should not fall down after 1 or 2 years. I want that suppliment whose effect lasts for a long time and don't care about the price. And what should I do with this suplliment that I have bought today only this new one, should I take this or not??? It will take 22 days to consume this 1 Kg suppliment.
Dr. Vrinda Goyal answered : 12 years ago
Your Ideal body weight according to your height should be 73-77 kgs. When you are trying to put on weight, a high protein diet is suggested, but this protein requirement varies from person to person according to their weight. A high protein diet should always be accompanied with a good exercise (cardio + strength). You should never take a protein supplement if you are not exercising.
Do not try to put on weight with lots of fatty foods as this could pose a risk for heart diseases. Consume atleast 4-5 l of water everyday in divided quantities. Also timings of your meal will be based upon your time of workout.
The earlier supplement that you were taking is Nitric Oxide supplements which has certain side effects like Blood pressure changes, stomach discomfort, increased urination or sleep disturbances. These zits that you have mentioned could have been due to low water intake along with the supplement. It is always advisable to consult some dermatologist for the matter. You can continue with the current supplement (Endura Double gainer)
Please provide me with details of your food habits (veg./non veg.), food likes, dislike and food allergies if any. Also give me a one day diet recall of yours (what time you get up, what time you workout, what time you go to sleep, when do you consume your meals, what you eat and how much, also mention the time and duration of your workout) and i will suggest you a diet plan.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I'm a pure vegetarian. There is nothing so special that I dislike. I get up at 4:30 in mrng. Morning walk 5:30AM-6:00AM then exercise in gym from 6AM to 7AM and after that again coming back to home walking from 7AM to 7:30AM. I used to take this suppliment (along with 450-500 ml of milk) at 5:30AM daily in the morning before going out for jogging. After returning back from gym I used to take 400-500 ml of milk daily. After that lunch at around 11:30-11:40AM and then at evening something like curd or buttermilk at around 5-6PM. After that dinner at around 9:30-10PM. And I go to bed at around 10-10:30PM daily. During lunch and dinner I take 20-30 gms of ghee each time and I think I'm taking more than required amount of ghee, isn't it...??? This is my daily routine from the last one month or more precisely from around 20-22 days and my weight is increased from 52-53 Kg to 58-59 Kg. Now please suggest me the actual diet plan that I should follow. And I'm watching that my biceps muscles are not increasing although I'm focussing mainly on biceps. So is there any suppliment or anything that I should take for biceps....??? Actually I want to gain mass with proper muscle cuts but I'm not gaining mass over biceps. And what quantity of suppliment should I take daily, in this suppliment its given that take 3-4 scoops daily but the scoop given with this suppliment is so large that if I take 3-4 scoops daily then this 1Kg suppliment will not take more than 9-10 days to consume. And I think consuming this suppliment with this fast speed is not advisable, isn't it....??? So how much should I consume daily....??? And what about Amway Nutrilite.....??? Many gym trainers have suggested me for that suppliment. Its 1Kg cost is near about Rs 3200-3300 but I need your recommendation. I think after consuming this Endura Double Gainer, should I buy that Amway Nutrilite....??? But the problem is that there are many suppliments given in Internet named Amway Nutilite because Amway is itself a company so which one out of them should I buy out of Amway products if I want to change the suppliment from Endura Double Gainer to any of the Amway Products...??? Or should I continue with this one only...??? And the most important thing is that how many Kilograms of suppliment should I consume, I mean when would I have to stop taking these suppliments....????
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
What about the suppliment named "MM1000 CREATINE" and "Ankerite XXX Mahamass"....???? Should I take the suppliment containg creatine or not...??? And if yes then how much amount of creatine should I take...??? What about L-Glutamine and Whey Protein....???? Please check the contents of all of these suppliments "Amway Nutilite", "MM1000 CREATINE", "Ankerite XXX Mahamass", "Endura Double Gain" and any other new one also if you recommend it from your side....??? Please check the amount of creatine, Glutamine, Whey protien and other ingredients of that suppliment and then accordingly suggest me that which one should I continue with....????
Dr. Vrinda Goyal answered : 12 years ago
you should take your supplements post workout. start with a mass gainer (other than endura, you can take any eg: by muscletech, QNT, ultimate nutrition are the better ones). if you can not able to take the entire quantity of scoop size mention at one time, you can take half ofthe quantity mentioned twice. Sice you have recently started working out, do not take any creatine supplements or NO boosters. All of the mass gainers contain small amount of creatine though. Also ensure that the exercises at gym are appropriate for weight gain. 20-30 gms of ghee twice a day is too much. you can have 30-35 ml of oil+ghee/day (including cooking oil+ghee). A permanent change in the body will be slow and steady. Also your diet and supplements need to be reviewed atleast every one month. Increase your exercise intensity gradually
Sample Diet Plan
Body Mass Index: 19.2 kg/m2
Ideal Body weight: 74 kgs
Calories: 2100 kcal
proteins 80 gms
Preworkout meal (4:45- 5:00 am): 1-2 medium size bananas + 5 almonds + 3 walnuts (unsoaked)
Post work out meal: (7:00- 7:30 am.): 1/2 scoop mass gainer in 400-500 ml of cold milk, blenderize it (according to scoop size, you can finish it in 20 minutes, post workout.
Breakfast (9:00-9:20 am) 1 glass of full fat milk (250 ml) + oats (20 gms) or muesli (20 gms) or any home non deep fried snack (poha/upma/ sandwich etc., add paneer/cheese to these recipes).
Mid-morning (11:20 am) 1 bowl of sprouts + 1 glass of buttermilk
Lunch (1:00-1:30 pm) chapatti (2-3 or more) + vegetable + curd/raita (175 gms) or paneer (40-50 gms)
1 tsp of flaxseed after dinner
Evening Snack 1 (4:30- 5pm) 1/2 scoop mass gain)er in 400-500 ml of water, blenderize it
Evening Snack 2 (6:30-7pm): fruit smoothie (any fruit +curd) or fruitshake (fruit + milk)
Dinner (9:00-9:20 pm): chapatti (2-3 or more) + vegetable (prefer any green vegetable in dinner) + Dal (cooked)
1 tsp of flaxseed after dinner
Bedtime (10:30-11 pm) 1 glass of full fat milk (250 ml)