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Skimmed milk

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My 3 month old son is passing urine only thrice daily. He is my first child . I breastfeed him five times a day but I feel my milk is not adequate for him . He is also not growing well and has gained only 1 Kg since his birth. Please help.

Hello , Thanks for your request. First of all let me tell you that your milk is always adequate for your baby if you feed him regularly. Feed your baby on demand whenever he is hungry and sucks vigorously. Let him suckle for around 15-20 min. so that both his hunger and thirst are taken care of.Also breastfeed him at night, as baby needs milk every 2-3 hrs even while sleeping. It gives him energy to grow and it produces milk for the coming day. So feed him 2-3 times at night and 6-8 times during ...

Read Complete Answer son is having tonsils and adenoid problem.He is four years old. We are taking antibiotic every time. but after some two months he is getting again.But this year only he got this problem. Milk can make tonsils to swollen and infect? can you please tell me the solution and remedy?

Hi, This was an old saying that tonsils might be caused by milk products but this is just a saying. However I have never read any such thing and infact it is advisable to have diet which relaxes your throat( may be ice cream,or any cold fluid,and food which is simple and non spicy ) . Children might have infection several time in age between 3-8 years specially because they at this age join school or preschool and they meet many other children and carry infection. This infection many a times ...

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R/sir my teeth are stained by birth(after milk teeth) now breaking and reach up to gum level. now i want to laminate/crown/or caping.

Dear Patient, You must be having Flurosis or must have sufferred from from some illness in the teeth formative years or the staining may be due to certain medicines given at that time. You can Go for veneers as minimal tooth preparation i s reqd. Laminations and bonding need slight adjudgements but gets discolored in a course of time. Caping in metals, Porcelain fused to metal, metal free ceramics needs tooth reductions from all sides. ...

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My daughter - 11 kg -1.5 yrs old - is vomiting after milk feed. Can I give her ondem(strength 2mg/5ml)? If yes what will be the dosage?

Hi, syrup ondem can be given 3ml, twice a day for vomiting,but it can relive only vomiting.Avoid milk for a day or two and give her rest of her diet.Give her as much water as much she accepts. I hope the child does not have any fever or loose motion. ...

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my grandson of 12 days has normal ranges of t4 and t3 but 6.3 tsh. mothers direct coombs test is negative . he is apositive and mother is o negative. he is born at 37 weeks by caesarian. does he have congenital hypothyroidism? he is ok drinks mothers milk .indirect coombs test for anti-bodies is also negative

Hi, Yes your child is suffering from congenital hypothyroidism. Although it is mild, he will need to be prescribed with drugs, because hypothyroidism is a very common cause for retarded growth and mental retardation. Rest everything is related to the initial time of birth. That only means that your daughter in law will need to be prescribed with anti d injection before next pregnancy. ...

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my baby is 2 years and 3 months old she vomit after meal not daily she doesn't want to eat anything,what i do i gave her liv 52 drops and ondem.she is so weak and drink only milk

Hi, To much of vomiting can be serious and if she is vomiting to much the you will have to consult a doctor(paediatrician) in emergency. ...

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My son is 2 yrs old and having severe problem of constipation. It looks like there are bruises in his anus due to hard stool. His diet includes one bottle of milk early in the morning, then Indian bread soaked with milk, then cooked pulses water , then rice with butter in the afternoon, again bottle of milk in the afternoon post lunch(nap time), roasted grams or sprouts along with egg or rawa. Indain bread soaked in milk at dinner and bottle of milk at bed time. Its been observed that he doesn't chew properly and pulses and grams are seen in his stool. He cries a lot while passing stool and now he is scared to pass the stool. pls suggest..

Hi, Which milk do you give him because he is having plenty of milk and many times a child is not able to digest milk specially cow milk causes a lot of constipation,main thing will still remain to change his diet if he is not suffering from any medical illness. Is he having fever once in a while or maybe he is loosing weight. Diet. To soften the stools and make them easier to pass, increase the amount of fluid and fiber your child gets each day. High-fiber foods include fruits and fruit juices ...

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now my wife is not pregnanted but she want milk from her breast for that she can drink mothers horlicks or what is the way

Hi, No the milk in the breast is produced due to hormones,which are naturally produced during child birth and it can't be induced artificially at least not in my knoweledge. ...

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Dr. Swati Kad

  • Pediatrician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  568 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  109 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. jayalakshmi rajesh

  • Pediatrician
  •  Chennai, India
  •  117 Doc Points

Dr. Niraj Mahajan

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  148 Doc Points

Dr. Balbir Singh Suri

  • Homeopathist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  273 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  219 Doc Points

Dr. G Rao

  • Pediatrician
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  109 Doc Points


  • Orthopedist
  •  Indore, India
  •  202 Doc Points
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