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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
This was an old saying that tonsils might be caused by milk products but this is just a saying. However I have never read any such thing and infact it is advisable to have diet which relaxes your throat( may be ice cream,or any cold fluid,and food which is simple and non spicy ) .
Children might have infection several time in age between 3-8 years specially because they at this age join school or preschool and they meet many other children and carry infection. This infection many a times might be viral illness also in which you are only recommended to take an anti inflammatory and lots of fluid so that dehydration does not occur.
For him to prevent repeated tonsillitis , you should(patient) have lots of green vegetable, lots of fresh fruits and lots of fluid .Antibiotics are given just to be safe, because to know whether the infection is an viral or bacterial infection you will have to do a throat swab(swab taken from tonsil),and this trauma itself increases the chances of causing recurrent illness(tonsillitis). So usually doctors recommend antibiotic instead of doing throat swab but you can take above mentioned precautions.
Feel free to ask more questions.