Topics Tonsils
  Topics Tonsils


Find latest answers to Tonsils questions, Tonsils articles, Tonsils news and clinic/doctors who deal with Tonsils. son is having tonsils and adenoid problem.He is four years old. We are taking antibiotic every time. but after some two months he is getting again.But this year only he got this problem. Milk can make tonsils to swollen and infect? can you please tell me the solution and remedy?

Hi, This was an old saying that tonsils might be caused by milk products but this is just a saying. However I have never read any such thing and infact it is advisable to have diet which relaxes your throat( may be ice cream,or any cold fluid,and food which is simple and non spicy ) . Children might have infection several time in age between 3-8 years specially because they at this age join school or preschool and they meet many other children and carry infection. This infection many a times ...

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severe throat infection and difficultly in swallowing due to enlarged has advised to take Azithral 500mg once daily.

Hi, If you are asking me about the antibiotic prescribed to you is correct or not ,then yes it is correct. I am sure he must have told you about the rest of the treatment. - Have rest may be for a day - Have plenty of fluids - Have comforting fluids(liitle cold fluids),to soothe your throat - Do gargles with salt water - Use lozenges - Avoid irritant(like smoking) He must have given you a nsaids(pain killer+anti-inflammatory) Feel free to ask any further question ...

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Hello. I am 35 have ENT problems- I have had tonsillitis many times as a child and quinsy about 6 times. Following a bad time with the last quinsy I am now booked in gor a tonsillectomy on Thursday morning. My other symptoms are excessive mucus in my throat which I get out and get rid of. I have been diagnosed with polyps in my sinuses. I have been told I have a lot of scaring from the quinsy's and a tonsillectomy will not be easy due to bleeding etc. From my point of view I feel having this operation is prompt and I haven't been examined thoroughly to see if it is something else causing the abcesses. The thing is reading up about quinsy- they form after a bout of streptococcus or untreated tonsillitis. But when I get one, it can come on suddenly within hours- a gland on the left hand side of my neck swells and then within hours it hurts, stinks and I have pain all in my ear too. So I eat toast cooked about 3times so extremely hard and sharp and cry whilst swallowing it- hoping it burst and relieves the pressure. That always worked until last time and I got worse after it burst and got hospitalised for treatment. They had never treated me before or known the way it develops and now want to take my tonsils out. I have scared tissue now- surgery will be hard- then I may get more after (my throat is already tight) and if it is my Weber gland at fault having a tonsillectomy will not stop the abscess from forming again. What should I do?

LASER Surgery is safe, bloodless and minimal (if any) scarring ...

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my daughter is 7and half years old. she has tonsils and adenoid problem. our ENT specialist has advised operation. i want to know whether it is needed to get operated or it can be resolved by tablets?

LASER Assisted Adenotonsillar Surgery is your best option. Your child recovers within 2 days. I am available for consultation at FORTIS Hospital, Rajajinagar in mornings (10am to 12 noon, Mon -Sat). I have been doing this surgery routinely for the last 10+ years. It is absolutely safe. ...

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My 4 yearsdaughter have adenoid and tonsils .Does it can be cured my medicines or needs surgery

If she is having snoring and mouth breathing and sleep apnoea( stopage of breathing in sleep)- better to go for surgery. ...

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ENT has identify that my daughere has large tonsils and now need to remove it as she gets infection frequently. My daughter is 10 yrs old. 1. Is there any alternative solution instead of surgery ? 2. Is it recommendate to remove tonsile ? 2. What is the cost of tonsil surgery?

Surgery is necessary, but now safer and relatively bloodless & painless options are available. Conventional Adenotonsillectomy costs about ₹35,000 all inclusive with upto 3 days hospitalisation with bleeding complications that occur occassionally in the best hands. Post-operative pain lasts upto 2 weeks post-op. With the use of LASER or Coblation wands the cost goes up to ₹65,000 but the advantages are many! - daycare surgery....patient is usually discharged after 3-4 hours after sur ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Gladson Uchil

  • ENT
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  242 Doc Points

Dr. Sudipta Chandra

  • ENT
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  308 Doc Points

Dr. Ravinder Verma

  • ENT
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  244 Doc Points

Dr. Dillon Dsouza

  • Otolaryngologist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  109 Doc Points