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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 11 years ago
What kind of rashes do you have on your body and if possible please attach the pics of the rashes , although once you have a vdrl negative then it is more than enough to prove that you are not having syphillis right now.
But tell me about your symptom in detail with pics attached and which laboratory did you get tested , you should have the test done from a good laboratory.
There are more tests also to confirm but first tell me about your symptom in detail.
Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago
Hello doctor, first i got wound in my reproductive organ. now it was cured. then i got body rashes, its getting faded slowly. went to take report for VDRL and TPHA in a Good Lab Only. it shows VDRL -ve and TPHA +ve doctor, asked to take 4 weeks penicillin injection. i dont know how to attach the pictures over here, but i have added in my profile.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 11 years ago
The leisons might be of syphiilis , the pic was not very clear and also you did not tell about the time duration when did you have the leison and after how much time lag were you treated for syphillis.
Which part of the body are you having the leison and which are spared ?
Any other symptom do you have ?
It's been how much time you completed this treatment ?
Although it would be recomended to avoid a baby for 2 years after the stoppage of treatment and to get tested during that time interval and look at falling titres of the tests.
The treatment is complete if the syphillis was secondary in nature but since i did not examine you this cant be commented upon.
Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago
Hello Doctor, how much time lag were you treated for syphillis? i went to doctor once i got wound. but penicillin was injected after 3 months Which part of the body are you having the leison and which are spared ? wound was in my penis. and it was cured within 3 months Any other symptom do you have ? I got body rashes after my wound was clear, bidy rashes are getting fade. It's been how much time you completed this treatment ? I have taken penicillin on October.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 11 years ago
Will have to confirm that from a reference book and let you know confirmation.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 11 years ago
I could not find it properly and i believe that you still you should avoid baby for 1 year and you should get your self tested during this period and and look if the titres are falling or not and then you might plan a baby after that.
You might also take a second advice from a specialist for confirmation about it.
Dr. jayaprakash Thirumalareddy
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade