Dear Doctor, I got VDR
  Dear Doctor, I got VDR

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Dear Doctor, I got VDRL negative and TPHA positive in Test. Doctor prescribed to take penicillin for 4 weeks with 2.4 milloin units. First week i have taken only 12 million units and next 3 week i have taken 2.4 million units. Am i cured now? still i have rashes on my body. Can i plan for baby? whether the infection will go to my wife an baby? Please help

4 Answers


What kind of rashes do you have on your body and if possible please attach the pics of the rashes , although once you have a vdrl negative then it is more than enough to prove that you are not having syphillis right now.
But tell me about your symptom in detail with pics attached and which laboratory did you get tested , you should have the test done from a good laboratory.
There are more tests also to confirm but first tell me about your symptom in detail.

Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago

Hello doctor, first i got wound in my reproductive organ. now it was cured. then i got body rashes, its getting faded slowly. went to take report for VDRL and TPHA in a Good Lab Only. it shows VDRL -ve and TPHA +ve doctor, asked to take 4 weeks penicillin injection. i dont know how to attach the pictures over here, but i have added in my profile.


The leisons might be of syphiilis , the pic was not very clear and also you did not tell about the time duration when did you have the leison and after how much time lag were you treated for syphillis.
Which part of the body are you having the leison and which are spared ?
Any other symptom do you have ?
It's been how much time you completed this treatment ?
Although it would be recomended to avoid a baby for 2 years after the stoppage of treatment and to get tested during that time interval and look at falling titres of the tests.
The treatment is complete if the syphillis was secondary in nature but since i did not examine you this cant be commented upon.

Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago

Hello Doctor, how much time lag were you treated for syphillis? i went to doctor once i got wound. but penicillin was injected after 3 months Which part of the body are you having the leison and which are spared ? wound was in my penis. and it was cured within 3 months Any other symptom do you have ? I got body rashes after my wound was clear, bidy rashes are getting fade. It's been how much time you completed this treatment ? I have taken penicillin on October.


Will have to confirm that from a reference book and let you know confirmation.


I could not find it properly and i believe that you still you should avoid baby for 1 year and you should get your self tested during this period and and look if the titres are falling or not and then you might plan a baby after that.
You might also take a second advice from a specialist for confirmation about it.

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Hi again, Yes this is fine. The skin does dry and flake as it recovers from any inflammatory event like an anceiform eruption. You can use a bland moisturizer like Cetaphil cream for the dryness if you like and use a soap free face wash like Cetaphil-OS face wash. All the best and regards! ...
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why don't u meet a better ent surgeon ...
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The Best option for you is to consult ENT specialist and resolve the problem. You must carry the list of Antibiotics taken by you in past to the ENT specialist for his/her reference so as to get a better knowledge of your drug history.. ...
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I am currently being treated for a infected tooth with Penicillin VK 7 day treatment. Before I found out I had a infected tooth I was treated with 2 different antibiotics for what was thought to be a sinus infection. This has all been within the last 3 months. My right side primarily I have pretty much constant nasal blockage. I also have mucus between my chest and my nose....lots of dripping down the back of throat, coughing it up and constant nose blowing. However I believe that there is just some stubborn mucus that doesnt smell good that I am having a hard time getting out. What can I do about this, the only relief I get is if I use nose spray, but I dont want to use that all the time. I need nasal relief.

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Hi, I stared the HCG diet 10 days ago using the drops. I also am trying to have a baby so I had sex three times during the week of ovulation. Last period was on January 8. I have had pregnancy symptoms, five positive pregnancy tests, no period. I did have some spotting but it was brown which makes me think that I am pregnant. I am not sure if it is the HCG drops causing a false positive test. Last night I put some of the drops on a pregnancy test and it was a faint positive. My dr. recommended a blood test and then another 48 hours later. I have poor insurance coverage as I am a business owner, and I don't want to spend the money on the blood tests this early. I usually have a 28-31 day cycle. I am thinking of just waiting a couple of weeks, I live a healthy lifestyle. Advice, sorry to ramble on. Jaclyn

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Hi Jaclyn!! your issues as to whether the test for pregnancy is actually positive or not are actually confirmed by the serum beta hcg which if doubles in 48 hours means a viable and growing pregnancy. please get the blood tests for the pregnancy done as told. Also ,i hope you had rhogam after in your 1st pregnancy and after the miscarriage. Also your previous pregnancy with history of incompetent os means that this condition is likely to happen again so go in for prophylactic encirclage of the ...
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