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  Topics Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation

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Dear Sir, i am married & having 1 kid. i feel pain while having sex with out condom, since my penis foreskin is not going back. i have sex with condom, there is no pain also for me the sperm is coming out in 2 to 3 mins. i dont know whether it is because of pre-mature ejaculation due to phimosis?...

Hi, Pain during sex can have many causes and phimosis is one among those. But if you have phimosis then I think it is noticeable. You will notice a swelling while you are urinating at your prepuce,later on it might go on to become red and you may also have pus through your urinary meatus. Ppainful sex can also be due to - Peyronie's disease - Prostatitis - Urinary tract infection - Yeast infection - Dermatitis - Herpes - Psoriasis - Phimosis - Paraphimosis Since how long you are expe ...

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My wife had a Preterm Premature Rapture Of Membrane three days before. She is in 17th week of her pregnancy.Doctors r saying the rapture is too big tobe heeled naturally. Babys sonography report is normal. Heart beat rate is 173. Dr is suggesting abortion but we r not convinced plz help.

Hi!! yes your doctor has rightly advised you an abortion due to rupture of membranes.If the membranes around the baby burst ,then chances of infection to the mother and baby are very high.Since the baby has not reached the period of viability,it is not possible for the baby to survive,also infection has already set in as babys heartbeat is high.This is termed as tachycardia and is one of the first signs of fetal infection.This needs immediate intervention to terminate the pregnancy and can be do ...

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Does redbull increase your erection time and is there any medicen where i can increase my erection n ejaculation tyme

Hi, Redbull can not have any effect on your erection time and specially ejaculation is an energy drink and you may feel energetic just for a few minutes after having it and might give you a feel that you are feeling energetic and you may be able to perform better. Now yes there are drugs which can be given to increase your erection time as well as ejaculation time but drugs do have side effects and they can be prescribed only after examination.(because they have serious side effects) ...

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I have 4 problems to discuss and which i need a detailed answer. 1. Wants to increase the girth and length of penis by 1 inch. 2. Without erection, while my partner is shaking the penis, ejaculation happens. 3.When the penis is erected it doesn't have sufficient strength, it quickly goes down. 4. During the above stage, while inserting , ejaculation occurs in seconds, thus the duration of sex life is just 15 or 30 seconds.

As you are a 30 year old, I assume that you have a regular sexual partner 1. The shape and size of one's penis is determined largely by hereditary factors and to a small extent by environmental factors like level of sexual activity and cardiovascular health . There is no acceptable method in the world which can increase one's organ size. Better cardiovascular health through aerobic exercise, giving up smoking and alcohol , improved nutrition will help in proper erection of penis. 2. When your p ...

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I used to ejaculate as soon as i enter her, and request you provide the solution to hold my ejaculation

Hi, It depends what is termed as premature ejaculation,if your partner is satisfied then it is not premature ejaculation.Normal ejaculation period may last for 5 minutes and we term it premature ejaculation if it is less than 1.5 minutes.You may improve the time time of ejaculation by your self with time as in intial phases the ejaculation time can be less in many people. Treatment can be,training you with your partner by demonstrating a method which is very famos to help you last you last long ...

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Hello doctor I am taking paxidep 50mg from two years and lithium carbonate I want to stop them because of late ejaculation problem please help me out

I understand that your psychiatrist will be able to help you by reducing the dose of Paxidep as it is too high, or he might be able to replace paxidep with another drug that does not cause sexual problems. ...

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Baby was born premature at 35 weeks on 7th nov2013. Uptill now i constantly have problems feeding due to sore cracked nipples and severe breast pain during and after nursing.... What is the reason behind this??? As i really wished to breastfeed exclusively but all my efforts failed badly( took lactare 2 tabs thrice a day for 2-3 weeks) I give her lactodex lbw uptill now ( 150ml thrice a day) ... When can i switch to lactodex1 or nan1????please help!!! This is the last hope for me... Thank you

Express milk frequently to avoid congestion and pain , and to maintain further milk flow. Feed your baby first with expressed breast milk(ebm) using spoon, and later the formula feed. Once healed, you can start nursing (breast-feeding) directly. Most imp is adequate weight gain - if this is satisfactory and there is no feed intolerance, you can usually change to normal formula feeds after your child has completed 37-38 weeks (i.e. 2-3 weeks after birth). ...

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hello, my daughter is 20 days old premature baby of 32 weeks birth weight 1.56kgs... due to lack of bf we started with dexolac sc yesterday... since then she is suffering for motion and not taking intake properly... what shall we do

Try to give as much as possible breast milk by expression. This baby needs 250-300 ml of milk in 24 hours. if cannot express sufficient quantity of milk, can supplement with any low birth weight formula (PreNan, Dexolac SC or Lactodex LBW). If baby is passing loose stools, then need to be seen by a pediatrician or neonatologist. If the baby is gaining weight despite loose stools, don't change anything. If the baby is not gaining weight or losing weight or is lethargic, then needs evaluation and ...

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I am a female of 23 years i am facing problem of premature graying of hair and now thinning of hair. I got tests done i have deficency of vitamin d,b12. What should i do i am highly worried.

Hi The premature greying of the hair is mainly due to accumulation of toxins in the body through what we eat ,drink and breathe. You can adopt the following - Choose healthy food preferably organic - Do breathing exercise - Exercise - Oil your hair frequently - Avoid using shampoos instead use sheekakai or basen powder for hair wash - Do massage your scalp with your fingertips - Get exposed to sunlight daily ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1091 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Manushree Gupta

  • Psychiatrist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  512 Doc Points

Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade

  • Psychiatrist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  354 Doc Points

Dr. Ashwani Singal

  • Pediatrician
  •  Ludhiana, India
  •  317 Doc Points

Dr. Vinod Chebbi

  • Sexual Health Medicine
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  272 Doc Points


  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Sangli, India
  •  209 Doc Points

Dr. Sanmati Thole

  • Pediatrician
  •  Aurangabad, India
  •  131 Doc Points

Dr. jeevan mathai

  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  107 Doc Points

Dr. Sajid Ahmed

  • Pediatrician
  •  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  •  320 Doc Points

Hakim Hari Kishan Lal Sexologist Dawakhana Clinic

East Patel Nagar, 1/14,Main Road, Ground Floor , Opposite Metro Pillar No-173
   New Delhi, India