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PAST HISTORY : premature baby
Dr. Abhishek Bansal answered : 11 years ago
The first problem here is lack of BF. Consult some Lactation Consultant there.
Some babies do not tolerate formula really well and in such instances human milk is required, in your care as baby is premature and low birth weight, such chances are high.
I insist on breast milk and it is the best nutrition your baby can have. There are hardly any mothers who can not produce milk for there baby, they just need to be trained in feeding techniques.
Dr. Sajid Ahmed answered : 11 years ago
Is she gaining weight ? (check on an accurate weighing scale without clothes)
Is there blood in stools ? Is the tummy distended/ bloated ?
Dr. Ashwani Singal answered : 11 years ago
Try to give as much as possible breast milk by expression. This baby needs 250-300 ml of milk in 24 hours. if cannot express sufficient quantity of milk, can supplement with any low birth weight formula (PreNan, Dexolac SC or Lactodex LBW). If baby is passing loose stools, then need to be seen by a pediatrician or neonatologist. If the baby is gaining weight despite loose stools, don't change anything. If the baby is not gaining weight or losing weight or is lethargic, then needs evaluation and perhaps admission to a hospital.
Dr. Monish Thomas Puthenpurackal