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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
If your doctor had confirmed you by doing an ultrasound in the end then i don't think there should be some problem with abortion.
You did not tell me about your periods when do your normal periods take place,because discharge from vagina can take place just before periods also and vaginal discharges are most commonly due to fungal or yeast infection.
Diarrhea can happen normally or otherwise also,how is the diarrhea is it totally watery or are there some pieces of stools in there,what is the color of stools ,how frequently you have been visiting stools in last 24 hour ?
Did you some food from outside ?
Do you have vomiting ?
Diarrhea can be bacterial to except for viral causes.
Do you have pain or burning micturition ?
Do you have pain during sexual intercourse
Any fever ?
Any rectal pain ?
Kindly give your history regarding your periods also ?
Have plenty of water and don't let your self dehydrate and you may take rest for a day and have light meals which you can easily digest,you can have pain killer like( meftal-spas twice a day for pain in abdomen) and sos medicine for fever if you have fever.
If the diarrhea is viral would go off in 72 hours,however if it is bacterial then antibiotics needs to be prescribed,that i will get to know after you update me with your history.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
thankyou doctor for your reply , i got a medical abortion done on 6th march and i bleeded for about 7 days and then 10 days no bleeding , on 21st march i bleeded again and doctor said it could be left over in uterus comin out. she said i would get periods 4 weeks from event of teminaton . my cycles are normal i dont have any pcod . i have watery diarhea and i went about 12 times in 24 hrs , iv been takin ors and water .i feel my stomach bloated and gas. i dont have any pain in micturation, no vomiting. only nausea and diarrhea and pain on right lower abdomen jus below belly botton .i dont have fever or rectal pain. i did not have intercouse since event so i am not sure if it pains. i wanted to ask can i take meftal spas and ciplox tz twice a day for 3 days .. to cure any infection present .and for discharge can i apply candid b? or do i have to visit my gynac , is thr anything to worry
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
It seems to be more or less a simple infection and does not seem to be a pid,Yes you can take ciplox-tz twice a day and meftal spas or for infection at least for 3 days and might have to be continued for another 2 days after that,depending on your condition.
You can apply candid b for discharge that is not harmful and does not seem to be anything serious,You can wait for 2-3 days and look for effects of medicines and if the effects are not good then you may visit a doctor.However there is no harm even if you want to visit now.
Don't let yourself dehydrate and have fluids in what ever form you like.
Keep your self clean and have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Are you having you periods now again ?
What is the color of discharge ?
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
However the number of stools you passed in last 24 hours are to much and if you face any dehydration then immediately consult a doctor.At times dehydration can also be threatening and since i have not examined you it difficult to say, and judge your self in this thing .
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
hi , thankyou doctor you have been very helpful, i had my last stool at 8am today so its been 8 hours now no stool. i feel tired and weak but that is happening from one month since termination.i do not have my periods now and the discharge is creamy off white in colour. no bad odour. i am concerned about the pain its just below belly button on right side lower most abdomen near uterus. however i am hoping its nothing big and it should go off with ciplox tz and meftal plus. will ciplox tz also cure diarhea incase i have any more episodes later in the day. i have just been having little bland food like cackers , oats , banana , curd rice and ors water. is it ok to see if i wait for a day till tomorw evening and if i feel better after taking medicines. the doctor has not prescribed me iron tablets after termination do i need to take them?
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The pain in lower abdominal area which you are felling near your uterus is not necessary,that there is some pathology in your uterus only.Pain can also be accompanied with loose motions in that area and you also might be having some kind of urinary infection which might be causing that pain(the pain would wean of as soon your intestinal infection gets better and your discharge seems to reduce).
Creamy white discharge should be due to fungal or yeast infection only, Apply that cream candid b,keep your area clean,avoid any sexual activity,use lactobacillus tablet also have plenty of water.
Ciplox-tz is given for diarrhea and intestinal infection only,however it might also work in your vaginal infection to.
As soon as your diarrhea resolves i would recommend you to have a high protein diet which includes eggs,soyabean,dals,fish,chicken to help you gain back your weakness and yes you can have iron supplements as well it is of no harm.