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PAST HISTORY : Premature Ejaculation
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
It depends what is termed as premature ejaculation,if your partner is satisfied then it is not premature ejaculation.Normal ejaculation period may last for 5 minutes and we term it premature ejaculation if it is less than 1.5 minutes.You may improve the time time of ejaculation by your self with time as in intial phases the ejaculation time can be less in many people.
Treatment can be,training you with your partner by demonstrating a method which is very famos to help you last you last longer for that you will have to visit a sexologist.(name of the method-masters johnson method ).But this method be taught by a sexologist and you will not be able to practise it alone and you will take weeks to learn it.
You cal also use local anesthetic gel over the tip of your penis to reduce sensation and to help you last longer.
You can also be prescribed with antidepressants,which also can help you last longer which can be precribed by a sexologist or a psychiatrist
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade