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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 11 years ago
The symptoms you are facing should not be there due to allergy .
They might be there due to some other reasons may be gastritis or may be some other reason .
You will have to tell to me in detail about your symptoms.
I dont know much about the ayurvedic drugs you are taking no comments over it.
But if you have nothing in your cardiac tests then you should not be worried about.
Fatty liver is nothing serious , you will just ahve to reduce alcohol if you have that and reduce weight , and cholesterol in body and diet.
nexprord 40 is for gastritis.
Then lonazep .5mg might be prescribed to you for reducing anxiety or to help you sleep.
I am not sure why ciplar 10 is given to you , for that you will have to tell me your detailed symptoms and your examination like blood pressure and sugar and whatever you have.
Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago
Dear sir, i hve no blood sugar. i had done test for random blood sugar and result was 114 only.and siplar 10 is given me for pulpition by cardioc doctor. even i had done holter test. found normal. only in ecg sinus bradcardia is written in report. in symtoms like in night or day time somtimes irretating , some pinching in my chest,in breast side left , and thn after that pulpition begins. for a short time it has and then i walked, even i feel so cold and somtimes sweting from my hand and feet.
Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago
every time i am now afraid that somthng happen to me.. i dnt know why i fear ? so for that ciplar 10 i take. sir, earlier i took golbi150 and panlipase tablet for fatty lever. just 15 days back i stopped that i didbt take any medicine for fatty lever, i have sent u the report . previously. if u gve me u r ph no i can talk to u more elaborately i thnk. my no is **********. pl. message me u r no if u can sir.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 11 years ago
Sweating from hands and feet is separate and that can be treated separately by a dermatologist.
Palpation in chest and feeling cold can be due to anxiety and not necessarily due to heart problem.
I also believe that you need another opinion from internal medicine specialist.
Golbi150 was okay and can be taken for a while to lower sgot and sgpt levels.
I had already checked the reports.
Sorry we are not allowed to give phone no.