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PAST HISTORY : IBS problem ? Could not sleep in night properly or sound sleep.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I am taking one tab 40 mg per day. Is it o.k. for long term continuation ? If i take even once in a week ( one tab 40 mg per day ) is that o.k. for health ? Or it will be harmfull in the long run?
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
By taking this I am getting good sleep , I am feeling o.k. in the morning ? Will it be harmful for heart in the long run ?
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Normaxin is usually given for gastric ulcer and irritable bowel syndrome and it will act on daily basis only.
The prescription is decided from patient to patient. If it is prescribed to you since so long, there should be some reason because usually it is prescribed for lesser period of time - around 1.5-2 months or so, but it all depends on the patient in the end.
It does not have any side effects on heart except that it can cause tachycardia(fast heart rate ) and other effects like dry mouth and constipation. If you feel comfortable with this drug, then you may continue it for long run and just get a routine check up once in a while, in around six months interval.
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade