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PAST HISTORY : High BP patient since last 7 years, recently the random sugar when i had this abrupt increase in heart rate with anxiety went up to 164 (random test and not fasting)
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The heart sinking feeling you described is usually can be due to sudden decrease in blood pressure specially in hypertensives. It can also be due to decrease in blood sugar if you are a diabetic or may be at times it could be stress induced.
The other cause can be vestibular system related or some problems with your ear drums,then may be if you have continuous headache(migraine),some neurological problem or problem related to your eyesight or just simply weakness in your body.
Many people can have this for a few times in their lives,but if you have this way to frequently then you may consult a doctor.
For now you can follow the following instructions
1) Make sure you have a healthy diet,good high protein diet(you can have non veg,eggs, pulses)
2) Have plenty of water at least 3-4 L of water
3) If you have any problem with your ears then show to an ENT specialist
4) Try and have good sleep wake up cycle
5) Reduce your stress levels
6) Do regular physical exercise
7) If your sugar is fluctuating try and keep that under control,it could be due to sudden hypoglycemic episodes
8) It might be also due to some problem with your hypertensive drugs,so if nothing works your drug might be changed
For now there seems to be no problem with you heart,however if you want to get tested for your heart then you can have serum cholesterol levels and angiography as further tests.
Feel free to ask further questions.
Dr. jayaprakash Thirumalareddy