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PAST HISTORY : i am just 25 years old.My height is 169 cm&weight-72 kgslast 10 days back i checked my bp,it is 150/ lipid profile reports are normal,in ultrasound scanning liver was minute enlarged&i have RBBB.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Looking at your height you have a perfect weight and bmi. However there can be many other reasons for hypertension. It would take your body a while to settle down with a new anti hypertensive as it has to adjust with your body's metabolism.
Now the question regarding lvh(left ventricular hypertrophy). It had ocurred because your heart had to face excessive pressure to force the same amount of blood in your body due to hypertension. Now as you will start controlling your hypertension or as your b.p would come down then pressure in your vessels will reduce and in turn will also reduce on your heart and lvh will regress
RBBB can be a normal finding don't worry about it. Mildly enlarged liver can be due to fatty liver
- Control your alcohol,cholesterol(like oils,butter,saturated deep fried stuff,specially frozen stuff)
- Do regular physical exercise
- Reduce salt intake
- Reduce stress levels
- Have a proper sleep wake up cycle
These factors will also help you reduce your b.p and your fatty liver will also regress.
Feel free to ask further questions.
Dr. jayaprakash Thirumalareddy
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade