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PAST HISTORY : i am a 44year old male suffering from type 2 diabetes for last eight years.I am very athletic and work out in the gym.i run for 5 kilometres do weigt training and body real problem is that iam an alcoholic.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Your raised ggt is simply because of alcohol,and should not be of a problem if your other tests are all fine and within normal range.Just try and reduce your alcohol.
Sleep deprivation is a big problem and i think all the steps must have already been taken by you but still let you know again.
Kindly follow the following steps
1)Avoid excessive stress
2)Don't lie in bed for long in morning,even if you have to force yourself do that and this will help in resheduling your schedule.
3)Try and sleep timely in night,may be you can read a book or novel
4)Have shower with a warm water before you sleep
5)There should be less noise where ever you sleep and you laptop and phone should be switched off they are not more important than you
6)Keep a dim lighting in your room at bed time
7)Do early morning excercise,specially yoga
8)Improve your diet habbits and try taking a heavy breakfast and a light dinner
9)You can be added with antidepressants,but can be done by a psychiatrist only.
Try above steps and you will be able to help your self,sleep deprivation has serious side effects.
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade