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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
All this is not true wherever you have heard or read that but yes over masturbation depending on how over you do can reduce libido that to because over masturbation is mostly related to porn,then people start expecting the same from there partner which is never possible
Yes if you reduce masturbation then you can come out of it but this will take a bit of time.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
hi sir..your reply is very helpful for me. i'll try to reduce my masturbation habit from now. So can my body come back to normal stage without this effects if i reduce this habit? Or consulting a doctor regarding this is necessary for me? Sir, one more doubt i have. I may get married within 2 or 3 years. Since i've this problems, after marriage can i do sexual intercourse with my partner well? I'm afraid that i can't have my sex life with my partner well and can't make my partner pregnant?? This doubt worries me a lot...
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Yes your body can come back to normal stage and you can satisfy your partner(or you can have sex and make her pregnant,unless you are not facing any medical issues which i can't say without examining you) and usually 2-3 years are enough to come out of all these problems and just start avoiding excessive masturbation and start refraining your self from porn material and it should be all good.
If you want you can consult a doctor but it you can get better without that also, just by refraining from excessive masturbation and porn material if you have normal erection and no medical issues.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
What is the use of aceclofenac & paracetamol tablets? Before some months if i masturbate excessively i get severe pain sometimes above my neck (i.e.joint of neck and head backside) and i feel my nerves are weak. So once i consulted a neurologist that time. He suggested me you feel stressed and thats why you feel your nerves are weak, get pain above neck. Its not due to masturbation.So when you get that pain have these tablet. And now when i masturbate twice or more a day i get that pain sometimes. At that time i have that tablet. What that tablet actually does in our body? Is that pain really occurs due to masturbation? How can i get out of that pain permanently?
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Aclofenac-paracetamol is an anti inflamatory tablet which can reduce fever and pain in your body(it is a pain killer).
No that pain should not be due to masturabtion,for permanent improval in pain you can get your self investigated like mri and various other investigations so that you can know the cause for it and treated accordingly.
You can vist an orthopadecian and a neurologist for that.
Cause might be stress related.