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PAST HISTORY : no medical problem as such.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
From where do you have white discharge, from anus or from penis ?
Any problems in micturition ?
Do you see semen in urine or do you see it other wise only or may be you see it only in the night ?
Any problems in sexual life ?
Is your wife satisfied with you ?
Do you have kids ?
Any erectile dysfunction ?
If anything significant then kindly mention.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
when I go to the toilet and put pressure , there is a white discharge from the penis, it only comes when I go to the toilet and do not come while urinating , I have a problem of premature ejaculation, there NO problem of erectile dysfunction, I have two kids.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
is there any pill or exercise to improve premature ejaculation and stop the sperm discharge while in toilet for bowl.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
We will first confirm the thing by doing urine routine and microscopic analysis and also an ultrasound abdomen to rule out any pathology in kidney and to look for any local cause,then this can be left as such also if there is no local pathology.
This is mostly a pschosexual illness and nothing has to be done,if you watch excessive porn you will have to leave or may be if you have continous thought about sex then you will have to get busy with other activities so as to come out of such problems.
You can also try yoga and other sports activities to come out of it.
For premature ejaculation it depends upon for how much time you can hold inside the vagina if it is more than 5 mins and less than 10 mins then no drugs need to be prescribed,if it is less than 2 mins only then drugs can be prescribed.