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PAST HISTORY : BP 150/100 on average taking pills morning and eveing amalog 5 mg. Cholestrol 192 , Tri gliceries 450
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
When you started having amalog (probably amlodipine),I suppose,and till now you have not shown any kind of improvement ,which means higher doses should also be started.
This is very true that you have very high triglyceride levels,which can also lead you to have insulin resistance in future,which is not good for you and can also make it difficult to reduce your b.p,what your doctor also says.
If your b.p is not reduced generally you will have to reduce your cholesterol levels also may be by diet or you might have to add drugs to reduce your cholesterol specially triglyceride.
Some prevention methods to reduce b.p
1) Reduce weight or loose extra pounds of weight
2) Exercise regularly
3) Try and eat a healthy diet containing low salt diet,have high fibre diet(fresh fruits high vegetable)
4) Reduce smoking,reduce alcohol
5) Reduce work stress
6) Try and make your sleep cycle proper( getting up on time and sleeping on time)
7) Herbal tea can help
8) You can also try yoga,which will help reduce stress
You also have to reduce triglyceride. Following will help you -
1) Regular exercises will help you
2) Reducing sugars
3) Reducing smoking and alcohol
Feel free to ask more questions.