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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
I don't think it should be serious,it might be a sign of weakness only
However there can be many reasons,for now you may follow many instructions
1) Have a good healthy diet,high in protein (avoid junky food)
2) Having obesity is one very common reason for this so try and loose weight if obese or at least do physical activity. Whether you are obese or not that will help you
3 )Have plenty of water 2-3 l of water daily
4) You may try with yoga to reduce stress
5) You should also try and sleep a little early and have complete 8 hrs sleep and better sleep wake up cycle
Do you have chronic headache or body ache ?
Any problem with your vision ?
Are you a diabetic or someone with diabetes in family ?
Some kind of stress ?
Do you have chronic nasal congestion or allergy ?
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
1. I do not have chronic head ache or body ache. 2. Yes I am using spectacles for short sight. -0.5 and -0.75 on right and left. I do have axis on my right eye. 3. I am not diabetic. My parents and grand parents are also not diabetic. 4. I do have work stress. 5. I have nasal congestion/ allergy. I have recently consulted a doctor regarding this. I was prescribed to take syrup (Bronchodilator, Mucolytic, Expectorant [Abbott]). I am also asked to use Otrivin when ever I feel nasal congestion. I was asked to to avoid polluted areas and passive smoking. I am 75Kg in weight, my height is 167 cms.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Then just follow what I told you to do. You may do yoga and early morning exercise for improving from chronic nasal congestion and reducing stress. I have also seen people improve with homeopathic treatment for chronic allergies,so if you want to try it.
Try to maintain chronic allergies,that would be helpful as well. Having a healthy diet also reduces also helps you to reduce stress. Try and reduce stress in all other departments of your life.
Keep a check on your diabetic status
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade