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PAST HISTORY : Unable to sleep in night time, but in day time feeling drauzy & Sleepy couldnt concentrate on my work at office
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
This is very typical history of sleeping disorder. Now we need to know the cause for your sleepless night -
1) Anxiety and keep moving or shaking your legs for the quite some time ?
2)Difficulty in breathing in night,or something which wakes you up in night
these are the most common types,otherwise
1) Do you have any stress(emotional,financial or any other) ?
2) Are you married,if yes is snoring troubling you. ?
3) Do you have excess of caffeine(like tea coffee) ?
4) Do you face any medical disorder ?
For now you can have the following advices
1) Have a proper schedule(to get up and to go to bed)even if you don't sleep then also you should go to bed at a fixed time this will help you fixing you down to a routine for which you may also use diary to help you if you want(you should have at least 7-8 hours in your routine for sleep)
2)Keep you bed clean
3)Your room should be clean, dark,cool envoirment should be maintained and no noise should be there,to help you better
4)You can read a book when you are entering your bed or after you have entered your bed
5)Avoid caffeine or any other chemicals,which cause sleep deprivation specially in night
6)You may have a little early dinner and have plenty of water through out your day.
7)You should keep you phones away and it is better if you switch off them in night and try to have a good sleep
8)You may also do early morning yoga or aerobic excercise to reduce stress and help you otherwise also.
9)If there is some kind of problem emotional,financial or some other then that should be tried and solved.(don't let that problem supervene your life)
10)You may have a warm water bath,just before you go to bed.
11)Don't just keep watching your clock in night,this adds stress
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Iam Married & i have stress about family, even tho as per friends advice i have followed few advices before going to bed but no change.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
What kind of stress are you facing ?
Nothing is as important as you are for yourself,and your health is so you don't have to compromise on your health on any issues and small issues are a part of any body's life so don't compromise your health for that.
Try all the above mentioned advices which I gave you and they should help you in long run to reduce stress,try with yoga too.
You may be prescribed with sleeping drugs,but they can be prescribed only after examination so you may consult a internal medicine specialist or a psychiatrist for that.
You may do concentrating exercises for eyes and relaxation and body massages before you go to sleep,this all will help you reduce stress in your life.
I hope you are not taking any addictive things like alcohol,smoke,or any other habit forming drug,if yes try to leave that.
Remember nothing is more important than you are for yourself,and try following advices I gave you above.
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade