Hi doc..im taking 2 kinds of m
  Hi doc..im taking 2 kinds of m

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Hi doc..im taking 2 kinds of medication now,1st is for my menstruation cycle to make it regular and 2nd is for my severe inflammation (rsult of my papsmear)..im done taking duphaston for 5days, 2x a day (from Oct.7th to Oct.11th) she said that if my period come i need to stop duphaston and do a transv in day 7th to check again but until now my period not yet come but sometime I feel pain in my lower stomach.. what Im going to do? Should i wait more days? I didn’t start my 2nd medicine (Neo-Penotran Forte) coz i’m not sure if its okay? Or should i wait til my period come and finish the process 1st? I dont know how to count the cycle. Please help.. I appreciate ur immediate response and advise.. :)

1 Answers

Hello BashaPopoy. First of all, do a pregnancy test to make sure you are not pregnant (if you are sexually active). If you are not, maybe you can go back toyour docotr. I suggest that Duphaston be taken 2x a day for 10 days. Bleeding should happen 3 days after taking the last tablet. You can start your Neopenotran Forte already. Better to start it while there is still no menstruation.

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  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Since you have had a fissure, chances of recurrence are high. Constipation is just one of the causes of fissure. There can be other causes, for example, there can be a tear in anal canal, or there may be a foreign body present in body, or it can happen during normal labor. Usually the fissure has bright red blood and not dark coloured blood. Since you have dark, it indicates that blood is coming from above in alimentary tract, which might be due to inflammatory bowel disease, irritabl ...
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Doctor my mother aged 63yrs have DVT. When scanned the report says following; 1- grey scale imaging shows enlarge diameter of Common Femoral Vein (CFV) & Superficial Fomoral Vein (SFV). 2- Color Doppler reveals non-fillilng of external lilac vein on the left side. Partial filling of colour is seen in the left CFV & SFV. The Popliteal vein does not show any colour filling. The Peroneal and Posterior Tibial veins are filling with the colour. Anterior tibial vein could not be identified on colour Doppler. 3- Doppler imaging shows mid respiratory plasticity in CFV. There is very poor Response to distal augmentation in the CFV. 4- Great Saphenous vein is Patent. IMPRESSION- Deep vein thrombosis in lower limb involving External lliac vein, CFV,SFV & Popliteal vein, and possibly Anterior Tibial Veins. There is partial recanalisation of CFV & SFV. Posterior Tibial and Peroneal veins are patent. Suggested clinical correlation. Scan copy added to the medical record in the profole. that the above is the report of the radiologist now what medicine you prescribe ,how to take and when to review the report? .whether the same will be cure or the patient should be in medicine for life long,what are the immediate risk?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The Doppler examination shows a thrombus in the deep veins with partial recanalization. This suggests that the thrombus is of a chronic nature. The Doppler can be repeated after one month of treatment to see residual thrombus. We do not provide any prescription. For this you have to visit an internal medicine specialist. Feel free to ask more questions. ...
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  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Since you have not told me about the age of the patient ,with only history available that she was a smoker,following might be the causes - - Bronchitis - Brochiectasis - Lung carcinoma - Pneumonia For all of these you will have to leave smoking.You may quit smoking suddenly but doctors at might not recommend it because this might suddenly lead to dropping of hormone levels in blood which might cause depression. For knowing about the exact cause about the disease, I will have to know ...
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  Doctor's Answer

it be better if you have a consultation ...
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