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i got sonography test which shows lever size enlarged by 3.3cm. later blood test for LFT showed Sl. No TEST RESULT NORMAL VALUE 01 G.G.T.P. 21.13 IU/L 08-37 IU/L 02 S.BILIRUBIN TOTAL 0.92 mg/dl 0-1.2 mg/dl 03 S.BILIRUBIN DIRECT 0.43 mg/dl 0-0.3 mg/dl 04 S.BILIRUBIN INDIRECT 0.49 mg/dl 0-0.9 mg/dl 05 S.G.O.T. 51.51 U/L 08-40 U/L 06 S.G.P.T. 94.11 U/L 05-35 U/L 07 S.ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 355.1 IU/L 98-279 IU/L test no 3,5,6and 7 are showing increased valuess........any best solution to control them

Hi, Most probably you are suffering from fatty liver changes. Discontinuing drinking alcohol or cutting way back potentially can allow your liver to return to normal but it will take atleast 4 weeks. However , many people who suffer from enlarged liver don't drink too much, and need to look for diet low in what's called high glycaemic index.You should focus your diets around fresh, preferably raw fruits and vegetables, along with home made juices, and to purge your diets of all simple carboh ...

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i am feeling so tired, and cough continued from last 6 month, not able to sleep, and feeling Stress, such as severe emotional and physical stress, and having joint pain also. we done this medical test (thoras cat scan, cbc, xray, tb test, urine test, split test, ecg and many more.

Hopes For you Visit Us at---> Hopes for you. We will try to solve your problem without medicines only with latest psychological therapies . We have nos of clients like you. Pl see feedback given by Clients. ...

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I let an abcessed tooth go untreated for about six months and during that time i had an exam for a life insurance policy. The blood test revealed that I was having liver function problems, everything on the test was perfectly normal except my ast and alt levels were really high. Could that be because the infection had gotten into my body?

Not just the tooth but infection on any part of the body will surely lead to changes in antigen- antibody levels. The retained infectious tooth needs to be treated as soon as possible and you need to start with antibiotics. Based on the extent of the damage either a root canal treatment, apicoectomy or extraction maybe needed. ...

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I am male 40 yrs at India . I had protected sex but unprotected insertive fellatio ( 2 mins ) from a call girl . On the 11th day and 17th day after exposure went for both DNA PCR test and P24 antigen test and all the 4 tests turned out to be negative. Please appraise me about my current status and shud I consider the results to be conclusive . Please let me know wether I shud go for any more tests . If yes , which test and at what time frame . I somehow managed to avoid any sexual contacts with my wife. Looking forward to your kind reply and I am under lot of stress and guilt

Hi, That is true that it gives a conclusive result as told by the company,however since i have not seen many results by myself so i am not very confident since the test is not very old. You may get your test repeated now,just to get it confirmed and you may visit an internal medicine specialist and if you are so anxious you may also have hiv prophylaxis (if the doctor md medicine thinks it right for you). Don't worry as much as i have read about the test it is conclusive but since the test is ...

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Hi.. Im 24 yr old male. i have an habit of masturbation. i think in my school 8th class i did masturbation first time. After a year it became a habit for me. i’m very much ashamed of having this habit. After doing masturbation, I hate myself that I cant control it. I think to control doing next time, but finally again I do it. From that time to till now I cant stop this habit. So more or less I masturbate twice a week anyway and in rare cases thrice a week. Accidentally during my college time I watched some programs in tv saying that masturbation causes not able to do sexual intercourse with partner. It causes not able to give a baby after marriage. After seeing that type of programs I got very much afraid of my life. Before two years I did laser eye surgery. Before surgery they did all pre-test for me. Then they said that your nerves are weak so we need to do two more extra test. After that extra test doctor said that we can do the surgery there’s nothing problem regarding the nerve weakness. I Think may be its family gene problem having nerve weakness. Maybe your grandfather too could had nerve weakness in his life. And now after two years of eye surgery I didn’t face any problems. As doctor said my nerves are weak in my body from my small age.After masturbating all these days I feel my nerves got more weak than before. I don’t know whether it is due to masturbation.But nowadays after masturbation I get head pain back side sometimes and not everytime. Anyway I feel nerves are weak in my body.I’m afraid very much that I cant do sexual intercourse with my partner if I get married. I’m afraid that I cant make my wife pregnant after my marriage. Please help me can I make a baby with sexual intercourse after my marriage? Do I’ve to get any treatment regarding sexual or regarding my nerve weakness or do I’ve to check whether can I make a baby with good sexual intercourse??

Hi, Fatigue means thakaan or to get tired easily,the symptoms you described are not of nerve weakness.Rest other symptoms are very normal things which many people might face and it is difficult to comment may be there is some thing locally on your back which might be irritating you or may be some kind of allergy. If you really feel that way when you masturbate then get your self checked up to a nearest doctor and he might have to do investigation and various tests to confirm if everything is fi ...

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i am 18 years old & have irregular periods . generally it is missed by 1 month. i have this problem since lats 2 yrs . i had been through thyroid test too but report is normal . i am on ayurvedic medication . i am taking dashmularisht & rajpravartani vati 2 times a day.. please suggest me what should i do which precautions should i take & which exercises to perform. will i have any pregnancy problem in future with irregular periods ?

Menstrual problem r because of lot of reasons like metabolic harmonal endocrine infections psychological nutritional etc u need correct diagnosis for ur problem then treatment becomes easy.u need combination therapy like medicine exercise diet yoga meditatition nutritional suppliment .I need ur detailed history investigation and previous medications. I have very good ayurvedic medicines for ur problem. no side effects. for more information call or what's app me on this number : nine five three ...

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recently got my blood test done,doctor said..thyroid is found..t3 and t4 are normal TSH is 10.28.. help me down to find out the ways to cure it ..thanks! asap PREVENTION?????

Hi, The diffirence in two lab reports is to much and yes i would also say you to go for a third confirmation test,may be you may go for test right now or may be you can go after a week or two and wait to start for medicines till the time the test third report comes. ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1091 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Pravin Gore

  • Colon and Rectal Surgeon
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  474 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Ravinder Verma

  • ENT
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  244 Doc Points

Dr. imran hussain

  • Internal Medicine
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  120 Doc Points

Dr. Puneeth Hegde

  • Dentist
  •  Udupi, India
  •  310 Doc Points

Dr. gokulakannan V

  • Homeopathist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  211 Doc Points

Dr. Hariharasudhan Sekar

  • Urologist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  104 Doc Points