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PAST HISTORY : earlier was perfectly fine!
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Although once tsh is raised then we will have to start with ant-thyroid drugs.
Are you facing any medical symptom like recent gain in weight or any menstural difficulty or any change in diet or any thing you noticed ?
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
thank you doctor ! yes i gained 3kgs from last month and my blood pressure was going low in past few days around 90/60,and periods are about to come and my diet is almost same i think am eating better than before now..and i started doing with walk for 20 to 25 mins everyday.. as there are so many signs of thyroid,and as i think mine is at early stage so is that curable?and how to prevent with the causes? please give me some detail like about diet and what else can i do if not medicine? P.S i took skin medicines from a skin specialist for that acne and all,had azee 5mg for atleast two ans half months,3 times a week.. thanks!
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
I had asked are you facing any changes in your periods like delyed cycle or long period dated or may be if they don't come for months ?
The diet can include following products like
Foods For Hypothyroidism
•Iodized salt,Meat,Chicken ,Dairy Products,Garlic,Onions,sea food
But these foods won't solve your problem you will still have to be on drugs for the problem.
Have good amount of water and don't let yourslef dehydrate.
Now you don't have any problem with acne any more ?
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Doctor, as i got my thyroid test done on 25 of june so accordingly, TSH -10.28 T3 - NORMAL T4 - NORMAL and yesterday again from some other lab i got the thyroid test done, TSH - 6.9 T3 - NORMAL T4 - NORMAL so please tell me what should i do now? do i need to take a blood test again or not? thanks!
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The diffirence in two lab reports is to much and yes i would also say you to go for a third confirmation test,may be you may go for test right now or may be you can go after a week or two and wait to start for medicines till the time the test third report comes.