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PAST HISTORY : everything normal. CT SCAN echo of abdomen, echo of heart, cv doplar, eeg all normal. kidneys normal, prostage proper in size, liver and galblader all are normal.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Brown coloured usually may be even normal because of a little high billirubin content in stools. But there is also occult blood in stools so the blood must be coming from some place(intestines,stomach,duodenum) and it has been seen by a endoscopy that your oesophagus and stomach and duodenum are normal,now there can be blood from other sites, from lower gastro intestinal tract (colon,rectum).
However if the occult blood is less or if it does not come again then you might not worry about it,many a times due to high alcohol or may be a little spicy food which can cause occult blood which should not reoccur
Rest of the tests are normal. People at times can get unconscious without a serious cause but if it reoccurs again and again it should be investigated then thoroughly.
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