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Hello Doc, My periods delayed by 7 days, so i took a pregnancy test using the kit available in the market. It showed C and T lines to be pink confirming pregnancy. But as I was not in a shape to have a baby, I took two pills of regulin forte to abort it. After three days, I had heavy vaginal discharge for half an hour and then it stopped completely.Now after 7 days I undertook the same test again, this time C was dark pink and T was pale pink.. what should I do now. kindly advice.

Hi!! The pregnancy test can remain positive for uptil 2 weeks after an abortion. To rule out if pregnancy is completely aborted or not,so please get a serum beta hcg test done.This is a blood test that that checks the same hormone of pregnancy in the blood that the urine test checks. A beta hcg test is done in all laboratories and the results are usually available after few hours. The beta hcg test in serum( blood) if more than 5 indicates pregnancy,so maybe your pregnancy is not completely abor ...

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had thyroid in childhood......while dieting consultant put me on two tablets for weight loss,,,,,Ebexid and Carnisure 500......after the diet plan i have stopped taking both the periods have been delayed for 16 days now....can these two tablets be the reason for the same???

Hi, The first thing we want to rule out is whether or not you are pregnant,although there are many causes to missing periods but since you have history of thyroid and you have ruled that you can't be pregnant so i would recomend you to get a throid test. When was the last time when you got your throid test and if you got them recently then please attach the reports. There can be many more hormonal causes to it,and periods can be corrected by giving hormonal drugs which will cause withdrawl ble ...

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i have my last period on 12 may 2013...i am expecting to have my period on 9th june...but it has delayed 2days..what shall i do?

Hi, If you have history of sexual contact,then it is very important to see whether you are pregnant or not. You don't have to take oral contraceptive within 52 hours,you have to take emergency contraceptive within 72 hours. Pregnancy strips are very easily available at all chemists,although if you are unable to buy then you can visit any hospital goverment or private or may be any gynaecologist at any clinic and the doctor will help you do the test,because the pregnancy needs to be confirmed fi ...

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I need to cure my delayed ejeculation problem. What should I do?

Hi, This can happen when pateint is on drugs for panic disorder,although we will have to get your tests first to rule out any other cause for this problem if there is no other organic pathology then you will have to get your drugs changed. Are you married and if yes then do you have kids ? Any history of any surgery or any trauma ? You will have to get the following tests for now like thyroid profile,urine routine and microscopic analysis,complete pitutary function test,24 hour urine cortisol a ...

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i m married,23 yr old women.after marriage my periods get delayed....i have to take medications for weight is 55 i want to conceive....but my periods is delayed again....plz tell me to conceive as soon as possible....

Periods irregularities such as delayed periods are main constrains for conception.In order to get rid of these problems Ayurveda medicines are very effective and safe too.These are safe compared to hormone based medicines. I suggest you to use Tab.Rajapravartani vati 2 tab twice daily till you get cycle. ...

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I was suffering from pcos problem, im married 3years back... consulted doctor 5 months back and she suggested me tablets Folivite MB 1daily, Obimet 2daily, CCQ 100mg for 3rd to 7th day of my periods, Evatone for 1st to 14th day of my periods, Duphaston for 16th to 25th day of my periods.. Can u tell me the uses of this tablets.. My periods are also normal for past 4 months after taking tablets, can i get pregnant with this tablets??

Folvite is folic acid for the neural tube development of the baby in case you get pregnant. Obimet is to help with insulin sensitivity, since insulin reistance is one of the pathologies of PCOS. CCQ10 is anti-oxdant which will help with ovulation. Evatone is used to thicken and prime the endometrium where the baby can attach. Duphaston is for hormonal support and also used to regulate your menstruation. Definitely all these medicines are will help you get pregnant. You and your doctor are on th ...

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my son 4.9 yrs old. He,s having constipation problem very big time. He doesn't take proper diet and neither milk properly. When he was born he lacked Vitamin D which was treated by taking drops. His speech is also delayed and few months back he got power lens. Please give suggestions if he is autistic and these are symptoms of it. He doesn't like loud noise and takes interest what he likes. Advises please

The symptoms you mention are all unrelated and not specific of any particular disesase. But a child with delayed speech and behavioural problems must be seen by a developmental paediatrician at a child development clinic. The developmental specialist or psychiatrist will look for other features of autism. Please consult urgently. ...

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hello ..please help me to abort my pregnancy now,,im two weeks delayed,and i take pregnancy test its positve,,but i dont want to be pregnant now becouse im just 21 years old,and independent with my family

Hi lynlyn, if your previous menstrual cycle were regular then u are probably 6 wks pregnant and can opt for medical abortion. But for that u should consult your gp who will assess your general health and order an usg for you to confirm the gest age and rule out ectopic pregnancy which is a contraindication for medicines. Rest will be adviced according to the report. ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1094 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Venugopal Rao Tatikonda

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  141 Doc Points

Dr. nandita chatterjee

  • Pediatrician
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  313 Doc Points

Dr. Gayathri Devi Pravin

  • Homeopathist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  100 Doc Points


  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Greater Noida, India
  •  213 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek C

  • Radiologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  306 Doc Points

Dr. Christine Marie Rubio

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Parañaque, Philippines
  •  577 Doc Points

Dr. Sosela Rrusho

  • Family Medicine
  •  , Albania
  •  115 Doc Points