i took two i-pills(birth contr
  i took two i-pills(birth contr

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i took two i-pills(birth control pills) on consecutive days. my periods are delayed by almost 18 days. i also have abdominal pain and i vomited once. does this mean that i am pregnant ?

PAST HISTORY : no specific

3 Answers


Usually it is said to take the two i pills should be taken together and not on two consecutive days.however it is fine now.
I hope that you took those medicines within 72 hours,these drugs are no sure shot method that pregnancy won't take place but yes in most cases pregnancy gets dislodged.
You should go for urine pregnancy tests,which are easily available as kits in the market and confirm your pregnancy.(this is also near confirmatory method),so if it comes to be negative then you may repeat it after another 7 days.
Pain in abdomen and vomiting are non specific and don't suggest anything but yes delay in periods are suggestive but it also depends whether your periods were previously normal or not and since when are they delayed after having drugs or from your usual date ?

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

periods are usually on 14th of the month. and i took the pill on 4th(march) morning. before taking the second pill i had the urine test which resulted as negative(means not pregnant) even after that for security i took the pill. so periods are delayed from 14th and also a white discharge is flowing in somewhat excess amount and today only i found that i bleeded at least 2 drops of blood. what should i do after this? is this a serious issue? PS: I HAVE TAKEN PILLS BEFORE BUT THAT RESULTED IN DELAY OF PERIODS BY A WEEK MAXIMUM


These drugs are not good for the same reason that they delay your periods and will disturb the hormonal balance of your body in long run which is not good for you and should not be taken regularly,avoid it till the time it is not an extreme.(for the same reason probably your periods are delayed)
Urine pregnancy test would not come positive just the next day.White vaginal discharge is indicative of infection (most probably some yeast or fungal infection most probably)
Today you saw blood,so that might be the start of your periods and if now you don't have periods for another 3-4 days now then you should go a urine pregnancy test and confirm your pregnancy
It is not very serious(white fluid),it is just indicative of vaginal infection which is very common but if it continues for long then consult a gynecologist.

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

i had bleeding today and i have intutive feeling of getting periods soon. thank you doc for yor support and helpful answers


That is good that you had your periods and would only recommend you one thing that avoid emergency contraceptive.

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Try with some good physio therapist ,with CPM and manual therapy skills. ...
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Hello Doc, My periods delayed by 7 days, so i took a pregnancy test using the kit available in the market. It showed C and T lines to be pink confirming pregnancy. But as I was not in a shape to have a baby, I took two pills of regulin forte to abort it. After three days, I had heavy vaginal discharge for half an hour and then it stopped completely.Now after 7 days I undertook the same test again, this time C was dark pink and T was pale pink.. what should I do now. kindly advice.

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Hi!! The pregnancy test can remain positive for uptil 2 weeks after an abortion. To rule out if pregnancy is completely aborted or not,so please get a serum beta hcg test done.This is a blood test that that checks the same hormone of pregnancy in the blood that the urine test checks. A beta hcg test is done in all laboratories and the results are usually available after few hours. The beta hcg test in serum( blood) if more than 5 indicates pregnancy,so maybe your pregnancy is not completely abor ...
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Hi, You can have acinil-o along with pantoprazole but pantop will have better effects than acinil-o. Then in 7th point I told about alcohol and not water. Alcohol also causes acidity,specially empty stomach,so you may have alcohol after having some food. In fact you should have plenty of water which I had missed to tell you. Feel free to ask further question. ...
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Hi, You have written about multiple problems.Let us talk one by one. Regarding MRI whole body scan -it may cost approximately 10,000-15000/-rupees. Your upset stomach appears to be either a chronic bacterial or parasitic infection,which should respond well with adequate hygenic measures and short course of medication.Stress often known or hidden contributes in causing or worsening such symptoms. Aches and pains could be reflexion of an inadequately treated injury or associated anemia,vitami ...
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i took two i-pills(birth control pills) on consecutive days. my periods are delayed by almost 18 days. i also have abdominal pain and i vomited once. does this mean that i am pregnant ?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, That is good that you had your periods and would only recommend you one thing that avoid emergency contraceptive. ...
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Hello Doc, My periods delayed by 7 days, so i took a pregnancy test using the kit available in the market. It showed C and T lines to be pink confirming pregnancy. But as I was not in a shape to have a baby, I took two pills of regulin forte to abort it. After three days, I had heavy vaginal discharge for half an hour and then it stopped completely.Now after 7 days I undertook the same test again, this time C was dark pink and T was pale pink.. what should I do now. kindly advice.
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Hi Puneet, Every time i eat something i have this inflammatory sensation in my throat that's kind of very uncomfortable. I cannot eat spicy food at all these days. Every time i eat junk food like burgers or Pizza or KFC, i end up having problem with my stomach (stomach upset mostly). This problem started since 2010 when i was doing night shifts for my company. There was a time when i did graveyard shift for 3 consecutive weeks. I stopped doing night shifts after i had problems with my stomach. I have a very tough time in finding food of my taste here. I generally prefer salads and bland food. Fruits rich in alkaline level tend to help me a lot. I'm not married yet, so its very difficult for me to find such food everywhere especially at my workplace. I consume alcohol every weekend but next day morning i end up having acidity. So i have to take ENO (fruit salt) to feel better. This has been the case since 3 years now. The only food which suits me is Bland food and fruits (especially the ones rich in alkaline level). I would really appreciate your help with this. Thanks!
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