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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Usually it is said to take the two i pills should be taken together and not on two consecutive days.however it is fine now.
I hope that you took those medicines within 72 hours,these drugs are no sure shot method that pregnancy won't take place but yes in most cases pregnancy gets dislodged.
You should go for urine pregnancy tests,which are easily available as kits in the market and confirm your pregnancy.(this is also near confirmatory method),so if it comes to be negative then you may repeat it after another 7 days.
Pain in abdomen and vomiting are non specific and don't suggest anything but yes delay in periods are suggestive but it also depends whether your periods were previously normal or not and since when are they delayed after having drugs or from your usual date ?
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
periods are usually on 14th of the month. and i took the pill on 4th(march) morning. before taking the second pill i had the urine test which resulted as negative(means not pregnant) even after that for security i took the pill. so periods are delayed from 14th and also a white discharge is flowing in somewhat excess amount and today only i found that i bleeded at least 2 drops of blood. what should i do after this? is this a serious issue? PS: I HAVE TAKEN PILLS BEFORE BUT THAT RESULTED IN DELAY OF PERIODS BY A WEEK MAXIMUM
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
These drugs are not good for the same reason that they delay your periods and will disturb the hormonal balance of your body in long run which is not good for you and should not be taken regularly,avoid it till the time it is not an extreme.(for the same reason probably your periods are delayed)
Urine pregnancy test would not come positive just the next day.White vaginal discharge is indicative of infection (most probably some yeast or fungal infection most probably)
Today you saw blood,so that might be the start of your periods and if now you don't have periods for another 3-4 days now then you should go a urine pregnancy test and confirm your pregnancy
It is not very serious(white fluid),it is just indicative of vaginal infection which is very common but if it continues for long then consult a gynecologist.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
i had bleeding today and i have intutive feeling of getting periods soon. thank you doc for yor support and helpful answers
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
That is good that you had your periods and would only recommend you one thing that avoid emergency contraceptive.