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Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
What do i do and what do i put on it to make it go away.... Is it cottages if i have sex with a femalei dint want to get other pep infected with what i have... Thank u
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
This does not sound like that you have have an STD. You might have ripped off your skin because STD produces way severe symptoms like discharge, ulcer, burning, micturition,and or pain during sex. So avoid or refrain from sexual activities for a few days till the time it is healed up.
Some people also have problems with their soaps because soaps take away the oil from penis and it is an area which has to be stretched and so oiling might help a little. Use a lubricant while doing sex or masturbation,keep your penis clean and dry.
An antibiotic cream might be used which would be helpful if you are prone for infection. However if it converts into an ulcer kindly visit a doctor.
Feel free to ask more questions.