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PAST HISTORY : PCOS history of 6yrs. One medical abortion & one tubal ectopic pregnancy which ruptured left fallopian tube. my height is 5.6 inch & weight 65kgs. dark patches on face skin due to hormonal disbalance. Serum prolactin was as high as 120 in last blood test. want to plan pregnancy but no results till now. plz suggest ayurvedic medicine. i work out in gym 4 days in a week approx.
Dr. Venugopal Rao Tatikonda answered : 11 years ago
There are excellent treatments for both PCOS and also for tubal block if any.I initially suggest you to use Ashokarista 30 ml with 1/2 cup water 1 hr after food twice daily
Dr. Gireesh Kumar B.A.M.S answered : 11 years ago
Drakshadi kashayam, Sukumaram Kashayam, Sapthasaram Kashayam for 3 month .