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PAST HISTORY : Does precum of my bf touch my vagina can cause pregnancy that too one day after pentration happned.ipill also taken within 30 hr
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
My gf period started on 5 july and ended on 9th july she has regular 28 and sometime 26 day cycle.on 10th I had just touched my penis on my gf vagina for 5 second hardly.does precum of mine could have resulted pregnancy .still we have taken ipill within 30 hr and on 16 and today she got bleeding but no pain A. Does still chance of pregnancy lies B.without pentration just by touching is it possible With precum that such thing can happen. What should be more can be done to double assure such thng won't happen at ol inspite of ipill
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Yes there might still be a chance of pregnancy,and yes if there is even a single drop of penile secreation which according to you might not even be semen if has gone in which is many a times not visible or not even paid attention even then you can get pregnant.
It is good that you had i-pill and now since she also had withdrawl bleed so the chances of pregnancy are really low but i would advice you to get a urine pregnancy test done if she misses her next due date of her normal period date or you can do it otherwise also just to be safe after 3-4 days of her period date.
That is the most fertile period to have a baby just before or after the due date.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Hi doctor, I am still uncleae for some points. I heard of safe period time and its alwys told day after period is consider ti be safe period.she had period on 9th and its a scenario of 10th .and I heard peopl with 27days cycle has fertile period from 14 day after to. Next 5 to 7 days. Another doubt since no pentration happen, ipill also taken and she had bleeding after 5 days what wouldbe the possiblity of pregnancy in this scenario. Please do let me know on safe period and what does bleeding after ipill meanthe ovulation calculator on all website say day after period is safe period and unlikely to get pregnancy. I am not clear on this.please provide me clear picture on this
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Yes you had sex in safe period that is true and i wrote that by mistake, i am sorry.
the first 8 days and last 7 days of cycle is the safe period and the period between them is unsafe period,but still life of sperm is that much that your gf could still get pregnant although rare but i am telling you of the case we are not taking any chance of her getting pregnant.
The chances of pregnancy is rare.
Bledding after i-pill means that she had withdral bleed due to the effect of hormones in i-pill which disbalanced her hormonal balance in the body.
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade