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PAST HISTORY : I had an unsafe sex on 26th Dec. My husband used condom but somehow it cut inside and some portion of fluid was inside. So within 5hours I took Postpone -72.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Yes, Postpone 72 is not 100 percent effective and it can cause a pregnancy in a few people.
You will get to know about its effectiveness only after your next periods,though you might have a withdrawal bleeding or you might not have it . Pregnancy can only be confirmed after your next normal periods.
If your next periods are normal with same flow and last for same number of days then you should be safe enough(confirmed) that you don't have a pregnancy.
There can be a pregnancy after even having normal periods but the chances are extremely rare.
If you don't want a pregnancy for a long time right now then you might go for long term contraceptives such as iucd or oral contraceptive pills.
Feel free to ask more questions.