Topics Your sexual performance will certainly improve Penis will grow naturally you will certainly give pleasing experience to your life partner You can buy our herbal medicine both offline online and see the results of our herbal medicine Our herbal medicine will grow naturally your penis size
  Topics Your sexual performance will certainly improve Penis will grow naturally you will certainly give pleasing experience to your life partner You can buy our herbal medicine both offline online and see the results of our herbal medicine Our herbal medicine will grow naturally your penis size

Your sexual performance will certainly improve Penis will grow naturally you will certainly give pleasing experience to your life partner You can buy our herbal medicine both offline online and see the results of our herbal medicine Our herbal medicine will grow naturally your penis size

Find latest answers to Your sexual performance will certainly improve Penis will grow naturally you will certainly give pleasing experience to your life partner You can buy our herbal medicine both offline online and see the results of our herbal medicine Our herbal medicine will grow naturally your penis size questions, Your sexual performance will certainly improve Penis will grow naturally you will certainly give pleasing experience to your life partner You can buy our herbal medicine both offline online and see the results of our herbal medicine Our herbal medicine will grow naturally your penis size articles, Your sexual performance will certainly improve Penis will grow naturally you will certainly give pleasing experience to your life partner You can buy our herbal medicine both offline online and see the results of our herbal medicine Our herbal medicine will grow naturally your penis size news and clinic/doctors who deal with Your sexual performance will certainly improve Penis will grow naturally you will certainly give pleasing experience to your life partner You can buy our herbal medicine both offline online and see the results of our herbal medicine Our herbal medicine will grow naturally your penis size.

I am a 23 year old male with skin colored bumps on the rim of the penis. I have noticed them over the last 2-3 years. I am sexually active but only with one partner and most of our contact is protected. The bumps were there even before the first time I had sex. I am worried these could be genital warts and I could transmit them to my partner. Kindly advise.

Hi, Your history is suggestive of a diagnosis of pearly penile papules. This is a harmless condition seen in many males. It is not infectious or progressive and hence can be left alone. For patients who are keen to pursue treatment from a cosmetic point of view the bumps can be removed with a laser by a dermatologist, however they invariably recur in a few months-years. Hence I advise my patients to leave them alone. Genital warts are highly unlikely given the fact that the bumps are there fro ...

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Dear Sir/Madam, I have had intercourse with my boyfriend 5 months back and had abortion pills by consulting a Doctor online. Now my problem is im getting married next month and scare with all these problems because my boyfriend is no more with me he had left me and my parents have fixed my marriage dates to some other person im in a critical situation to handle all the problems. I cant tel my partner that i had intercourse I had abortion pills so is there any problem in getting pregnant again or not I have not gone for any kind of checkup as off now I have itching in my vaginal area. I dont no its due to (wetness in the area or white discharge or any infection coz im using a common toilet in college) My white discharge is white in color and not in any other color. its in liquid form.. It comes 5 to 6 drops a day or sometimes may be little bit more or little.... Please help me out with all the questions i have been worrying about. My mind is totally upset due to all this problems. I need to go for a checkup but im scare to go for a checkup can you please suggest a doctor in Coimbatore,TamilNadu

Hi! The only blood test that can show whether you are pregnant or the previous abortion was an incomplete one is a serum beta hcg -this checks the hormone for pregnancy in the blood.If less than 5 ,then pregnancy is negative. A normal gynae check up can reveal past pregnancy only if earlier pregnancy led to an incomplete abortion which can be made out by an ultrasonogram of the pelvis or the serum beta hcg.Otherwise no doctor can make out whether you were pregnant in the past and have taken abor ...

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Hello, I have had a nail fungus for a good ten years or so. When I first noticed it, I went to my doctor and he game me lamasil which I stopped taking after a few days since it had negative affects on me. Thereafter, I stopped taking care of it and just let it go for a good 7 or 8 years. I eventually grew up and started getting very self conscious of how it looked and wanted to wear sandals and flip flops and not have people think nasty things about me. A few years ago I went to my doctor again and he gave me a topical oil which I used for over a year and did not see any results. About two years ago, I noticed that a vertical brown line was starting to grow from the bottom up. I went to a dermatologist who took a sample of my nail but did not take a sample of the nail bed or from the cuticle. Biopsy came back as of course it being a fungus. He in turn gave me pills to take which I also had to stop taking since it was having a bad affect on my liver. After that, my dermatologist said that he would give me laser treatments which I did two of. They did not clear it but it looks a little bit better then what it was before. Still thick, yellow, crumbling below the nail, nail bed where new nail is growing is darker then the others and the brown line is still there. It is a thick brown line. How did I get this brown line? Did I get it because of the prolonged damage of the nail bed due to the years of having the nail fungus?

You're most welcome. Nail Melanoma does not affect multiple nails together while Longitudunal Melanonychia (LM) often does. The fact that an additional nail is showing changes is nearly conclusive that this is LM, which as I said is harmless. However it would be best to see your doctor to get this confirmed since I cannot see the affected area. I would recommend getting the entire nail removed if its the only one affected by fungus, but this will be solely to treat the fungus not because I thin ...

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I am male 40 yrs at India . I had protected sex but unprotected insertive fellatio ( 2 mins ) from a call girl . On the 11th day and 17th day after exposure went for both DNA PCR test and P24 antigen test and all the 4 tests turned out to be negative. Please appraise me about my current status and shud I consider the results to be conclusive . Please let me know wether I shud go for any more tests . If yes , which test and at what time frame . I somehow managed to avoid any sexual contacts with my wife. Looking forward to your kind reply and I am under lot of stress and guilt

Hi, That is true that it gives a conclusive result as told by the company,however since i have not seen many results by myself so i am not very confident since the test is not very old. You may get your test repeated now,just to get it confirmed and you may visit an internal medicine specialist and if you are so anxious you may also have hiv prophylaxis (if the doctor md medicine thinks it right for you). Don't worry as much as i have read about the test it is conclusive but since the test is ...

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Query about mastubration. I have started mastubrating from the age of 15 ,I still do. I can see veins on my penis are more n more coming outside(towards skin). What should be the normal penis size while it is size is 6" but the grith is less near about 1" Please suggest.

Hi, The size of penis when erect can can vary from 10-14 cm so that suggests that you have a normal length of penis. Veins under the skin are normal,unless you have any symptoms like ulceration,itching or any disfigurement over your penis. The age is fine when you started masturbating most people start it around the same age and continue with it till they are married and many people do it even after marriage to. ...

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i've been masturbating since 9 i feel some side effects that when i read anything in a book or in any screen my neck backside pains and my penis shrinks to a smaller size. i've seen in some tv programs that these are symptoms of over masturbation. Please tell me is it true? if i reduce masturbating can i get out of these problems?? i've seen in tv programs that if a person has like this problem in his body, he cannot do sexual intercourse with his partner. Is it real? i'm afraid of this.. help me..

Hi, Aclofenac-paracetamol is an anti inflamatory tablet which can reduce fever and pain in your body(it is a pain killer). No that pain should not be due to masturabtion,for permanent improval in pain you can get your self investigated like mri and various other investigations so that you can know the cause for it and treated accordingly. You can vist an orthopadecian and a neurologist for that. Cause might be stress related. ...

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I have 4 problems to discuss and which i need a detailed answer. 1. Wants to increase the girth and length of penis by 1 inch. 2. Without erection, while my partner is shaking the penis, ejaculation happens. 3.When the penis is erected it doesn't have sufficient strength, it quickly goes down. 4. During the above stage, while inserting , ejaculation occurs in seconds, thus the duration of sex life is just 15 or 30 seconds.

As you are a 30 year old, I assume that you have a regular sexual partner 1. The shape and size of one's penis is determined largely by hereditary factors and to a small extent by environmental factors like level of sexual activity and cardiovascular health . There is no acceptable method in the world which can increase one's organ size. Better cardiovascular health through aerobic exercise, giving up smoking and alcohol , improved nutrition will help in proper erection of penis. 2. When your p ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1091 Doc Points

Dr. Ramesh Madan

  • Internal Medicine
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  526 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Manushree Gupta

  • Psychiatrist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  512 Doc Points


  • Sexologist
  •  Thiruvananthapuram, India
  •  210 Doc Points

Dr. Gladson Uchil

  • ENT
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  242 Doc Points

Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade

  • Psychiatrist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  354 Doc Points

Dr. Shrenik Shah

  • Orthopedist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  126 Doc Points

Dr. jayalakshmi rajesh

  • Pediatrician
  •  Chennai, India
  •  117 Doc Points