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PAST HISTORY : Cervical spondylosis, thyroid 5.71
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
If you have been continuously itching that area that might be the reason for developing some localized swelling or may be some kind of allergy(cause of recurrence since last two years).
The kind of history you are giving me suggests that you could be having migraine.
Does any one in your family have it ?
It could also be a complication of cervical.
In migraine there are some aggrivating factors usually you have to look for them does headache occur or start after any of these
1) Occurs during periods
2) Occurs after having certain foods like oily food or alcohol or missing a diet
3) Stress related
4) After physical activity
5) After strong light stimuli,after coming in sudden sun(sun glare)
Avoid above factors or factors which stimuli your headache,try to control you neck movements and correct your thyroid status and cervical spondylitis should be taken seriously and whatever treatment is given to you follow sincerely. If you want to consult a doctor then you should consult an internal medicine specialist.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Dear Dr. Madan, Thank you for your response. Itching: I do not itch my scalp. I have an itchy scalp, and the particular area I mentioned with swelling itches on its own. I avoid touching it, but it is very frustrating as I am living with the itchiness 24/7 now. Could you answer this please? Headaches: I am not aware of any family history of migraine. None of the factors are applicable in my condition, however as per your suggestion, I might have to be vigilant about any food item inducing the aches. I have tried that already, but I would do so again. Could eggs (duck eggs) be the cause? Hair roots: My concern regarding the painful hair roots I mentioned has not been answered. That's another pain I am living with. The pain is just there, only the intensity either increases or decreases. What could be the cause and solution? Would you be able to suggest the name and address of the doctor I could see?
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
A variety of reasons for this are dandruff, dermatitis, dry scalp, lice infestation. Rest are skin infestations like dematitis,psoriasis,rinworm of scalp and folliculitis of skin.
Application of olive oil over head lavender oil and use of lemon juice some drops to rub your hair and and then rinse them. Use of peppermint oil,applying aloe vera over scalp,massaging the hair with apple cider vinegar and water is also useful.
When dealing with Itchy Scalp, it is recommended to have judicious amounts of foods rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, zinc and iron. Spinach, lettuce, pulses and other such vegetables, seeds and nuts rich in proteins are also beneficial for the scalp and hair. Plus, consume adequate amount of dairy products, especially yoghurt.
Use proper shampoo and excessive chemicals is very necessary,use of spicy food increases itching over scalp too. The common causes of hair root pain is continuous pulling of hair,dandruff,folliculitis (infection of hair roots),poor hygiene(which can be due to also use of sudden products or chemicals )which are not good for you.
You could use nizral shampoo if you have dandruff. You have to visit dermatologist in your area if problems persists.