Topics Prostate gland enlargment
  Topics Prostate gland enlargment

Prostate gland enlargment

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I have what I thought was a bruise falring up a bit on my right chin / jaw line. I could feel the bump but could not remember being hit to cause such a decent size lump. My children often kick and hit me in the face in play. But to get this size lump would have been memorable unless at 39 my body now can't handle even a gentle bump. But it seems to now be getting slightly worse and is begining to feel numb and slightly itchy. I have a very mild middle bottom tooth infection. I thought if my gland was up it would be a lower / under my chin swelling which it is not under the chin but on and if anything above. I am visably looking like fred flintstone actor's chin on one side / elephant man slightly.

Hi, If your swelling is on the same side as the tooth ache, it could be because of the existing tooth infection. To determine if the cause is the tooth or not, you need to visit a dentist and get a complete oral examination done specifically focusing on that particular side of the jaw. Preferably, get an x ray to see the tooth also. It could be a tooth infection leading into a space infection. Other reasons could be - cysts, trauma, bacterial infection like actinomycosis, abscess etc. This ca ...

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my uncle is 80 years old & suffering from prostate cancer, the doctor says that chemotherapy can not be possible due to weak health(53kg wt),also their PSA is 351.2,Doctor says that nothing is possible.Now i ask you that we are proudly says that medical science achieve all deceases in control, then why doctor says that there are no option for these cancer & only pray for God.

Hello, I can understand your frustration. However I need to know more details about his prostate cancer and treatment taken, medications that he is taking and his present problems in order to suggest if any option can be advised. And a doctor would be last to give up hope for patient with great reluctance. ...

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Penis enlargment treetment

Hi, You did not tell me about your size of penis,usually the medicines are not easily prescribed because these medicines also increase your cardiac volume which puts a lot presure on your can't be prescribed without prescription. I don't know much about ayurvedic treatments. For increasing the stamina during sex and to hold longer and also to increase the size of penis-natural methods 1)do regular aerobic exercise 2)do regular early morning yoga 3)have a healthy diet which contain fre ...

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I have done ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis and the report i got is LIVER,GALL BLADDER, PANCREAS, SPLEEN and UNRIARY BLADDR is normal. But KIDNEY : Right kidney : 70*32mm Left kidney : 79*35mm Both kidneys are decreased in size. Renal parenchymal echo texture increased in bilateral kidneys. Cortical indentations noted in bilateral kidneys. No calculi or hydronephrosis in either kidney. PROSTATE :: Size : 37*30*35mm (Volume-20 cc) Increased in size. Median lobe of prostate is enlarged. Can u tell me is it very serious now or in future ?

Hi, Yes the report shows that your kidney size is reduced significantly and you need to get many tests before i can make any comment although rest all other things mentioned in the ultrasound are normal. But you will have to get your urine report like urine routine and microcscopy,kidney function test,glomerular filtration rate. Then depending on these test reports we will have to see whether they are enough or we might have to investigate you more. This might be ok or might have to be investi ...

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Antibiotics are not working out for CNBP. Can i go for prostate massage?. where i can find relief treatment in Bangalore?.

Hi, You can visit any superspeciality hospital or clinic in bamglore to a urologist for prostatic masage. As such i am unware about banglore,bt i am sure there must be many urologists in your area as well,otherwise you can visit apollo hospital where i am sure there will be a solution to your every problem. ...

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Hello. I am 35 have ENT problems- I have had tonsillitis many times as a child and quinsy about 6 times. Following a bad time with the last quinsy I am now booked in gor a tonsillectomy on Thursday morning. My other symptoms are excessive mucus in my throat which I get out and get rid of. I have been diagnosed with polyps in my sinuses. I have been told I have a lot of scaring from the quinsy's and a tonsillectomy will not be easy due to bleeding etc. From my point of view I feel having this operation is prompt and I haven't been examined thoroughly to see if it is something else causing the abcesses. The thing is reading up about quinsy- they form after a bout of streptococcus or untreated tonsillitis. But when I get one, it can come on suddenly within hours- a gland on the left hand side of my neck swells and then within hours it hurts, stinks and I have pain all in my ear too. So I eat toast cooked about 3times so extremely hard and sharp and cry whilst swallowing it- hoping it burst and relieves the pressure. That always worked until last time and I got worse after it burst and got hospitalised for treatment. They had never treated me before or known the way it develops and now want to take my tonsils out. I have scared tissue now- surgery will be hard- then I may get more after (my throat is already tight) and if it is my Weber gland at fault having a tonsillectomy will not stop the abscess from forming again. What should I do?

LASER Surgery is safe, bloodless and minimal (if any) scarring ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Gladson Uchil

  • ENT
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  242 Doc Points


  • Oncologist
  •  Mumbai, India

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Ritu Khare

  • Surgeon
  •  , United Arab Emirates
  •  101 Doc Points

Dr. imran hussain

  • Internal Medicine
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  120 Doc Points

Dr. Gnanaraj Jesudian

  • Urologist
  •  Coimbatore, India
  •  306 Doc Points

Dr. HARSH Amin

  • Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  410 Doc Points

Dr. Arun Mahajan

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Chamba, India
  •  203 Doc Points