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PAST HISTORY : Diabetic last 25 years, Well controlled with Human Mixterd 30/70 insulin 18 units in the morning and 16 units in the evening in last 5 years with Glynase MF 1 Tablet in the morning and 1 in the evening. (20 years was managing only with Glynase). Well maintained with diet and excecise. BP is normal always. Taking Thyronorm 75 mg, Asthimin Forte(B compled) 1 each every day. Taking Toncat 10 1 tab during night alternate days. Once in 3 month have diabetic comprehencive check up. Everything under control.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Although i don't think there should be some problem in carrying with afdura,or going ahead with surgery.
The drug might be stopped just before surgery,rest it depends upon your examination.
Your size of prostate is not to big and neither is it causing extreme obstruction so you can continue with medical management.
Which place do you have a hernia.