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I hv been having problems of dizziness, and spinning sensations since last 4/5 days. Had the same earlier abt 2 yrs back but on a very mild scale and they went away without any medication. This time it has been rather acute. Visited the physician and hv been prescribed Vertin 8 mg 1x3 times a day before bkfst, lunch and dinner. After three days feeling better but the sensations are still there albeit milder. Feel the spinning sensation especially when I look straight up/down and then bring the head back to normal posn.Again when I am changing sides on bed while lying down from left to right rpt left to right I feel the same sensation. Tho' the dizziness and the spinning sensations are less now after taking the dosages of Vertin 8 last three days would u hv any advice as to how long it takes normally for the problems to be totally eliminated? I am particularly concerned as I am, tho' a retired person, a man of fairly active habits and for the various domestic chores often hv to drive quite a bit in heavy city traffic and as a result of this problem am completely grounded which is affecting our day-to-day life styles and needs.

Hi, Tablet Vertin is used for relief of vertigo due to several reasons, but it is to be known why is this vertigo occurring. For that reason MRI and other tests needs to be done. The possible causes could be some problem in the brain or ear. If there is chronic disease in the ear, the internal ear is effected and there will be vertigo. The duration of vertigo will depend on the cause. To prevent worsening of symptoms during episodes of vertigo, try the following: - Keep still, sit or lie dow ...

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I was on thyronorm 100 mcg for 1.5 years and got tested for TSH, T3 & t4 with very normal values consistently twice tested in a period of 3 months. Can I stop the medication and maintain health through yoga and fitness or should I continue the medicine? Please help!

Hi, Thyronorm is a tablet which is replacing your thyroid hormone level and even if your levels have come to normal, they are normal due to the drug and not naturally so more or less thyroid hormone replacing drug are life long and leaving the drug will slowly bring you back towards the same hypothyroid levels(you should be taking the drug). That is a good news that your levels have tested normal, now your doctor might try to bring the dose down and settle you to a lower dose than earlier but ...

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I have been prescribed 5mg of Lexapro ( name brand) one time daily. I have noticed that my heart rate and blood pressure is normal when sitting or laying down but ( 118-70, 76) and jumps up a lot when I stand ( 136/89, 134) Could this be because of the medication? If so is this something that will go away after awhile or do I need to change medications.

Hi, The drug you are taking is from SSRI group(selective serotonin receptor inhibitor group) which is the latest group to be added in depression and has less side effects as compared to other groups given in depression . Although there are many side effects but you are specifically asking me about heart rate and blood pressure. Usually the blood pressure should not rise specifically on standing as the gravity occurs and usually the blood pressure falls down a little. The heart rate can increa ...

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A few years back after having visited a hill station in India.. i got this sort of coating on my upper lip that couldn't be scraped off easily, a lot of my friends did too.. but even now my problem persists, this was followed by dryness around my lip and white patches that were spreading and cuts started forming. on consulting several dermatologists, they prescribed Fluticasone Propionate ointments of varying concentration saying that its caused by the fact that I was born by extremely dry skin and the saliva dries the area more, but I've been using petroleum jelly on my lips since I was small as I always used to get chapped lips.. I similar sort of dry patch developed on my finger which went on to spread over the years to my entire finger, for which i use the the same medication.. the itching on the finger and the dryness goes away after a couple of days of use but then it comes back when not used and the texture of my finger has turned out to be slightly glossy looking compared to the rest of my fingers..

Hi, As you said that you don't have leucoderma,and it is just simply dried lips then primary cause for dried lips is allergy. Try out following methods 1) Use oil based prepartion,use petroleum gel 2) Cover your lips with something when going out 3) Avoid licking your lips 4) Drink a lot of water 5) Try and breathe through your nose 6) Avoid allergens,if you know about them(dust,skin care cosmetics)common allergens 7) You may try ayurvedic treatment also,i have seen some people benefit out of ...

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For my sister in the age of 14, few steroids injected to suppress the growth of an abscess which was grown due to herpes viral infection in the upper lip below nose. The abscess growth stopped and we satisfied about the medication. Now she is 30, but her personnel body growth is getting reduced day by day. She is around 40 kg now. We have a doubt, is there any side effect happened because of the steroid injected.

Hi, Steroids given by systemic route play a role in body stunting,but once the full body size is achieved or height is achieved,then body stunting doesn't occur and steroid leads to increase in weight gain and does not reduce weight. So if her personal body growth is reducing now after gaining full weight and height, the cause should not be steroid taken at that tender age,and she should have a detailed examination and investigation to find out the cause of the disease. Feel free to ask more ...

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Hi, I am 23 Year female. I had DNC last year in 5th month of pregnancy. I had pus cells in the first month, used anti -biotics at that time. Now, i have been confirmed pregnancy. Again i have 1-2 PUS CELLS, & ESR is HIGH. I am having dry cough also now. What could be the reason? Is it due to infections transmitted in sex with my husband? How should i take medication?

Hi!! 1-2 pus cells in urine is no cause for concern as if it is more than 10 pus cells/high power field,it is of consequence. Esr high can be due to the cough that you are having.ESR is a very non specific indicator of infection in the body and can be raised even in normal pregnancy No need for antibiotics for the dry cough,you can take lozenges uptil 2 a day or antihistaminics like avil, which is safe in pregnancy,if the cough is irritating to the extent that it is disturbing your sleep or othe ...

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i need an extraction but they cant do it if my blood sugar is high,i am on medication for my liver and steriod for my mouth i recently have developed ulcers in my mouth next my wisdom tooth and is very painfull ,

Dear Patient Blood sugar is also related to stress levels so please try to relax and add multi vitamins containing Folic acid along with hexidine or Betadine mouth washes initially 2 times a day 1/2 an hour for a minute after meals for five days and then at night only ...

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I am experiencing sleepiness in daytime in my office. I am not feeling drowsy while talking, walking, traveling in vehicles, riding bike or watching TV. My sleeping time in the night is 12:30 AM to 7:30 AM. I do not have smoking or drinking habit. Is this a serious condition? Do I need to take medication?

Hi Then just follow what I told you to do. You may do yoga and early morning exercise for improving from chronic nasal congestion and reducing stress. I have also seen people improve with homeopathic treatment for chronic allergies,so if you want to try it. Try to maintain chronic allergies,that would be helpful as well. Having a healthy diet also reduces also helps you to reduce stress. Try and reduce stress in all other departments of your life. Keep a check on your diabetic status ...

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Please confirm is this possible to 100% secure medication is available in India/Delhi? and also confirm how to days required to 100% cure? Also confirm the total cost of medication if patient having aplastic animia?

Hi, there is nothing 100 % in medical,but yes there is good treatment available in delhi/india for aplastic anemia. However there are a variety of treatment options available 1) Blood transfusion 2) Medicines to stimulate bone marrow like erythropoietin and colony-stimulating factors but these have their own risks 3)Medicine to suppress immune system,Three medicines—often given together—can suppress the body's immune system. They are antithymocyte globulin (ATG), cyclosporine, a ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1094 Doc Points

Dr. Swati Kad

  • Pediatrician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  568 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Manushree Gupta

  • Psychiatrist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  513 Doc Points

Dr. Hariom Sharma

  • ENT
  •  Gwalior, India
  •  255 Doc Points

Dr. Bharath Kumar Reddy

  • Pediatrician
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  419 Doc Points

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade

  • Psychiatrist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  354 Doc Points

Dr. Govindaraj S J

  • Dentist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  132 Doc Points