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PAST HISTORY : Hypothyroid
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Also, I am still on the obese side. Despite the TSH being normal, I have symptoms persisting such as over weight, constipation & gastric troubles. I am reluctant to continue the medicines as I feel I am being dependent on it despite being tested normal. Kindly advice!
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
What are the repercussions if I stop taking thyronorm any further, as my thyroid levels are found to be very normal in tested twice in 6 months.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Thyronorm is a tablet which is replacing your thyroid hormone level and even if your levels have come to normal, they are normal due to the drug and not naturally so more or less thyroid hormone replacing drug are life long and leaving the drug will slowly bring you back towards the same hypothyroid levels(you should be taking the drug).
That is a good news that your levels have tested normal, now your doctor might try to bring the dose down and settle you to a lower dose than earlier but it can't be stopped and you might feel better with that. Hypothyroidism has serious adverse effects and can be life threatening if left for long(quite long).
You might try yoga to help you for the rest of your symptoms and also diet control might help you. Do visit your doctor if the symptoms persists.