Topics Complexion Improvement
  Topics Complexion Improvement

Complexion Improvement

Find latest answers to Complexion Improvement questions, Complexion Improvement articles, Complexion Improvement news and clinic/doctors who deal with Complexion Improvement.

I would like to improve my body mass since I am very lean and skeletony for my age. I have been trying to do it with food only for a long time but in vain. I had been prescribed deca durabolin injection for a few days around 5 yrs ago and there was slight improvement but had to discontinue that due to travel. Could you suggest a good anabolic steroid tablet for me?

Hi, The easiest way to gain weight is to add calories to your diet. For every kg of weight gain you will have to add about 1500-2000 calories to your diet. Your diet must include at least three basic meals, and two snack meals, which should include high calorie diet, shakes, ice cream, butter, oil, cheese, dense potato, spreads and bread. If you are not gaining weight inspite of increased diet, then you should have a medical check up done to investigate the root cause. The drug you have al ...

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Hi I'm dealing with pericarditis for almost a year! One year in prednisones (average of 20 mgr/day) and colchicine! No improvement in my health. Every single result of any test like blood work cancer TB MRI .., every thing was negative ! What should I do? I'm tired! Eventually I was told I have idiopathic recurrent pericarditis

Hi, Usually the first line of drugs for idiopathic pericarditis are nsaids and colchicine. They are given only when attacks reoccur or you are not satisfied with simple pain killers(nsaids) because colchcine are better relievers and help reduce inflammation and reoccurence. Prednisone is given even after when further attacks occur quite frequently( It is given for a period of around 3 weeks after which the dose is tapered and they should be able to control your symptoms) . Occasionally a short ...

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For last 6 months i am suffering from Acne Keloids which keep on creeping up on the back of my neck. I have taken 3 courses of Doxycyclin for 3 weeks each but with no major improvement. Where can i get a laser/cyro treatment of my problem in Mumbai?

Hi, The starting treatment now would be corticosteroid injections before going for laser or cryo surgeries,however some people go directly for laser surgery. The laser surgery should be readily available even at good dermatology clinics or a little big dermatology set ups(as such i don't know the names of clinics) but all these facilities will be available at all corporate hospitals in mumbai. But your cause of keloid is acne,so it is necessary to treat acne and to control infection and inflamm ...

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when my baby is born she is so fair and pink ..after two day her face and body look radish ,after 4/5 days she look darker . lots of people said don’t worry baby color will change after some month .i don’t know but her complexion looks dull now .my husband have fair complexion and myself fair. That’s why we worry how she look like dark . any remedy to improve the color of the baby

Thanks for your query All babies when they are born are fair and pink because they have no environmental exposure before birh.FIrst few days after birth they develop some red rashes in response to heat and cold.Baby's skin is very soft and sensitve so it reacts to clothes and linen baby wears.Thus baby's clothes should be soft and according to weather,for example they should be made of soft cotton during summers and humid climates.The dark colour your baby has acquired is her skin's response to ...

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Hi I'm Emmanuel from India, I'm actually a white but due taking wrong medicines and creams going to the wrong Doctors My Skin has become dark, I'm looking for some thing which can restore my skin complexion.

Hi, You have a fair complexion as i saw on your face book photos, a lot of it depends what medicine did you have which changed your skin color because it might be some kind of allergy. Which drug caused allergy ? How fast did it happen ? Do you have any other symptom except for skin darkening Does it appear at more than one place and at what are the places If you have any kind of allergy then calamine lotion might be of help but it is difficult to comment without looking at at spots or may be w ...

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I am suffering from social anxiety disorder. I can not face the people . can not listen the speaches of the people. I hesitates to address in programmes. I can not even speak to my superiors, relatives, etc. When I start to go my jobplace ,I feel shyness and my heart beating increased . I had taken allopathy medicine for 14 years. But there is no so much improvement .allopathy medicine affected badly my sexual power. Now I am taking Ayurvedic medicine. But there is no any improvement. So please prescribe me any solution for my desease

U have anexity neurosis and social phobia problem. U Need proper medication and counselling and behavioural therapies for ur problem.i have very good medicines for ur problem.nosideeffects even it will help to improve your sex power and anxiety depression also.for more information call or what's app me on this number : nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero. thank u. ...

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doctor i need your opinion for using some medicated product to get a fair complexion.

Hi, No don't use the two products togetther,you may use glycolic acid cream in morning and hydroquinone cream in night. Also don't apply these creams near eyes or any mucus membrane. You use moisturizer and sunscreen alon with product but even that to you may use after about 10 mins after you have applied glycolic acid cream. You can use this cream for 6-8 weeks at a stretch and then give a break of 2-4 weeks. It depends on you skin and how is you skin reacting that for how long can it be take ...

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the face of my baby is fairer than other part of the body , is there any method that the complexion can be symmetry through the body

Hi, There are face cleaning creams or creams which can improve complexion but can't be given in a child may be when she is old enough then it can be prescribed(tried). ...

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Dr. Swati Kad

  • Pediatrician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  568 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Kiran Lohia

  • Dermatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  565 Doc Points

Dr. Parth Mankad

  • Homeopathist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  437 Doc Points

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. Rangeeth Nammalwar

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  238 Doc Points

Dr. Samir Nayyar

  • Dentist
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  119 Doc Points

Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade

  • Psychiatrist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  354 Doc Points

Dr. Gireesh Kumar B.A.M.S

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  108 Doc Points