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PAST HISTORY : Pericardial ephusion on Jan 2012
Since then I have pericarditis 4 times I was admitted in hospital each time for almost 5 days
Every test result is negetive! No improvement in my health
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Usually the first line of drugs for idiopathic pericarditis are nsaids and colchicine. They are given only when attacks reoccur or you are not satisfied with simple pain killers(nsaids) because colchcine are better relievers and help reduce inflammation and reoccurence.
Prednisone is given even after when further attacks occur quite frequently( It is given for a period of around 3 weeks after which the dose is tapered and they should be able to control your symptoms) . Occasionally a short course of narcotic pain may be tried but pain should be relieved with all this but yes attacks may reoccur.
Send me all the tests & results you have undergone.
Have you been through pericardiocentisis? (in which they remove fluid from your heart with the help of a fine needle and send it for biochemical investigation )
Feel free to ask more questions.
Dr. jayaprakash Thirumalareddy