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Dr. Vivek Nair answered : 12 years ago
Thank you for your question. The only STD which can present within 2-3 days of contact with an infected partner is Herpes can even this usually manifests after 4 days of contact and often first presents with small blisters and burning while urinating. Hence an STD looks unlikely if your history is accurate. Your genital ulcer sounds like a bacterial infection called Impetigo and this can be transmitted sexually. HIV has virtually no symptoms for 2-4 weeks after infection when some patients experience a generalized rash and flu like symptoms (called the 'seroconversion illness'), so that is not related to your symptoms.
The oral symptoms sound unrelated and are perhaps of your anxiety around the situation.
I think you need to see a doctor as early as possible to get the possibilities I have mentioned checked out. A skin swab will be done for bacterial culture if your doctor feels this is required and if your partner was a casual contact and not your spouse then your blood will also be sent for HIV, VDRL and Herpes Serology. The best doctor to see would be a dermatologist.
Please feel free to ask if you have any queries.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
thanks for your reply...I would also like to tell you that I have noticed swollen submandibular glands but no it related to my condition on prepuce....I have taken an appointment for Tuesday with a dermatologist....meanwhile I have started tab.doxycycline 100mg BD...anything else that I should do....???
Dr. Vivek Nair answered : 12 years ago
Good Morning,
No the swollen submandibular glands are not related to your genital condition. I usually prefer that patients who come to see me don't take any antibiotics on their own since this complicates the picture and often makes an accurate diagnosis impossible. Still since you have to wait three days before seeing a Dermatologist you can continue the Doxycycline 100 mg BD. In addition you can apply 2% Mupirocin cream on the affected area and clean with a mild soap while bathing.
Let me know how it goes. Regards.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
hello sir.....thanks for your valuable advice.....I was wondering that if you have any private practice or work in any hospital in delhi I could come visit you for consultation as I myself stay in new delhi.....if its possible pls share your address and contact im scared to use any soap as im aprrehensive that the chemicals in the soap might worsen the problem...any particular soap which you will recommend.....thanks
Dr. Vivek Nair answered : 12 years ago
I would recommend Medsop - it is a gentle antibacterial soap. I practice in Gurgaon but unfortunately I am not allowed to disclose my details here as per Healcon rules. However please feel free to google me and pursue an appointment from there. Regards.
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade