Topics Complete abortion
  Topics Complete abortion

Complete abortion

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Dear Sir/Madam, I have had intercourse with my boyfriend 5 months back and had abortion pills by consulting a Doctor online. Now my problem is im getting married next month and scare with all these problems because my boyfriend is no more with me he had left me and my parents have fixed my marriage dates to some other person im in a critical situation to handle all the problems. I cant tel my partner that i had intercourse I had abortion pills so is there any problem in getting pregnant again or not I have not gone for any kind of checkup as off now I have itching in my vaginal area. I dont no its due to (wetness in the area or white discharge or any infection coz im using a common toilet in college) My white discharge is white in color and not in any other color. its in liquid form.. It comes 5 to 6 drops a day or sometimes may be little bit more or little.... Please help me out with all the questions i have been worrying about. My mind is totally upset due to all this problems. I need to go for a checkup but im scare to go for a checkup can you please suggest a doctor in Coimbatore,TamilNadu

Hi! The only blood test that can show whether you are pregnant or the previous abortion was an incomplete one is a serum beta hcg -this checks the hormone for pregnancy in the blood.If less than 5 ,then pregnancy is negative. A normal gynae check up can reveal past pregnancy only if earlier pregnancy led to an incomplete abortion which can be made out by an ultrasonogram of the pelvis or the serum beta hcg.Otherwise no doctor can make out whether you were pregnant in the past and have taken abor ...

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i was brasced my teeth when it was heading outside. Now still front two teeth has small gap... How much it will cost to complete that gap in bangalore?(approx)

Kindly consult an orthodontist in person for further suggestion. We need more investigations (Model study, Full mouth & profile x-ray) & clinical examination to decide upon treatment. You may need fixed / removable braces. Requirements may depends on the age, complaint, duration of the treatment & affordability. Cost of cosmetic dentistry (braces) varies with dentist. ...

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i went for my complete body checkup.every thing was fine except my liver,the sgot and sgpt,billirubin was fine but my ggtp was high about 121.even my sugar level H1Blc was 5.5 with very low medication . i am taking metformin 250 gms two times daily after meals.another problem i am facing is lack of sleep for which i am taking 1mg of alprax every day.but still i am not able to sleep.I have to mention that i am a successful businessmen with stressful life.please suggest something

Hi, Your raised ggt is simply because of alcohol,and should not be of a problem if your other tests are all fine and within normal range.Just try and reduce your alcohol. Sleep deprivation is a big problem and i think all the steps must have already been taken by you but still let you know again. Kindly follow the following steps 1)Avoid excessive stress 2)Don't lie in bed for long in morning,even if you have to force yourself do that and this will help in resheduling your schedule. 3)Try and s ...

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Dr. Opinder Singh Thind

  • Dentist
  •  Noida, India
  •  1019 Doc Points

Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1084 Doc Points

Dr. Sameer Kad

  • Orthopedist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  577 Doc Points

Dr. Swati Kad

  • Pediatrician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  561 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1431 Doc Points

Dr. Khalid Ghiaz

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  115 Doc Points

Dr. Vasant Pawar

  • Dentist
  •  Noida, India
  •  329 Doc Points

Dr. pradeep kumar

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  127 Doc Points

Dr. Simarpreet Singh

  • Dentist
  •  Amritsar, India
  •  119 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points
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