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PAST HISTORY : Allergic reaction to ace inhibitors. ...tongue swoll so much cut off my breathing had to be incubated. Went in cardiac arrest for 5 minutes. Got a ICD now. It all started with a hurting tongue covered with thick whiting of the tongue.
Dr. Krupesh Rajani answered : 12 years ago
There are several possibilities for what causes a white coating on the tongue, or THRUSH. The most common cause of a white coating is a candidal infection, which is caused by fungus. Thrush can also be caused by antibiotics or steroids that were inhaled for sinus or asthma issues. A white coating can also simply be the buildup of dead cells on the tongue. Finally, a white coating on the tongue may be caused by dehydration! If you aren't drinking enough water, it's possible that little pieces of food are sticking to your tongue! Simply drinking more water will remedy this condition so i suggest you try this first for a week or two and see if it makes a difference.