My dentiist says I will regai
  My dentiist says I will regai

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My dentiist says I will regain feeling in my tongue. Why is my tongue numb, will I get the feeling and taste back.

PAST HISTORY : Dental procedure eight weeks ago where novacaine was used. Tongue numb, sore, i can bite it by accident regularly and burn it often and taste is impaired. The novocaine was used to prep and place a temp lower bridge. Two weeks earlier the dentists had placed permanent top and bottom veneers. I had to wait on the permanent veneer bridge because the molar needed a root canal. The dentist prescribed ten days of steroids but the feeling did not return and hasn't for six weeks.

2 Answers

Hello there,

From what I can get from your question, numbness of the tongue is due to an injury to the main nerve during an extraction or a surgical procedure in which the dentist uses an inferior alveolar nerve block to numb the patients lower half of the jaw along with half of the lip & side of the tongue. Most of the times the wisdom teeth are tilted and in an unusual position and need to be removed. Sometimes the surgeon had to section the teeth & roots to remove it and it is only accidentally (very rarely and non intentionally) the tooth is entangled in the main nerve and while removing it, sometimes injury does happen which results in temporary loss of sensation in the lower front half of the tongue.

You have to be very patient and the concerned dentist can also prescribe you some multivitamins for the fast regeneration of the injured nerve if there is any. X-rays can also be taken to evaluate the position of the bone and the adjoining areas (although the nerve would not be that clearly visible).

It would be of help to me if you can send in your before & after treatment i.o.p.a x-rays to me and also tell the exact procedure that was done to you. I pray to god for your early recovery and wish you a very happy coming new year 2013 in advance.

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

The novacaine was used while preparing and placing a temporary bridge. The dentist had just finished three weeks earlier placing top and bottom veeners. I had to wait on this bridge because one of the teeth needed a root canal. In addition to the numness the tongue is sore and feels and has a sensensation like the top layer of tissue is irritated or off? The dr gave me ten days of steroids immediately following procedure when i complained of numbness but that did nothing. How long can this take? I worried this is permanent damage is it???

Permanent damage can happen only if there is severe tearing of the main nerve and in your case i do not feel so. so do not worry. As I told you earlier, it does takes a lot of time for healing, so kindly be patient. I know no amount of words will make you feel totally comfortable, but as a doctor we are pledged to tell you the truth no matter how good or bad it may sound.

Whenever any doctor is administering anaesthesia, he has to follow particular landmarks for giving a nerve block, which are not visible to the naked eye but will be known after a lot of experience by the operator. Dentistry is a very very skilled job and hence you should always look for a surgeon with ample amount of experience in his particular field. Even if the needle touches the main nerve during the procedure, this kind of numbness can happen (non deliberately, unintentionally) by the operator.

My personal opinion, as I said before, please be patient and time is a healer for almost everything.

Also please comment if the symptoms that you have, improved in these 8 weeks or have gone from bad to worse ?

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