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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
There are not many methods by which you can increase your height if it is genetically determined( both sides of your family are short)
You are at a borderline age and you may be able to increase your height by following steps
1)have a healthy diet,including high proteins diet
2)do aerobic excercises and height building excercises
3)give good rest to your body
4)have multivitamins,including vitamin d also,they may be helpful if you are deficient
You can also visit a medical practioner and get yourself tested and you can be prescribed with drugs and hormones depending on your tests for increasing your height.
But even drugs might not help you a few years from now and since as a boy you have a litlle less height you should visit an endocrinologist and get your self tested as you will have a good effect of drugs now at this age and not later.